Beats 5 thousand competitors: the most beautiful woman in Belgium is chosen (7 photos)

24 May 2024

The key criteria for victory are the participants’ attitude towards life and themselves, as well as the desire to develop and spiritual evolution.

60 contenders aged from 23 to 64 competed for the title, and more than 5 thousand participants took part in the qualifying rounds, who completed special courses on style and personal care, and also successfully completed a nine-month program on self-acceptance.

“True beauty does not depend on an ideal body, the parameters of which are dictated by society, but on a body that tells a story. A woman who has everything in order in her head lives in harmony,” said Natalie De Reuck, founder of the non-profit organization that organized the competition.

56-year-old former model Natalie is convinced that this business is very harsh and destructive for women, in particular she criticizes social media filters that make people feel embarrassed about their real appearance.

According to the organizers of the competition, it is not necessary to fight for the title after completing the program, because the key criteria for victory are the participants’ attitude towards life and themselves, as well as the desire to develop and spiritual evolution.

“For most candidates, the idea of standing on a stage and podium was previously unrealistic,” adds De Reuck.

Mother of eight children and one of the participants in the competition, 47-year-old Natalya Galleman, said that she felt incredible.

“The beauty of the body that we see in advertising and fashion is short-lived. Real beauty is our inner world. I used to lack self-confidence, I cried thinking about my past, but now I smile,” she shares.

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