Demonstration flights of an American air car took place in Japan (1 photo + 4 videos)

22 May 2024

The Americans decided to keep up with the Chinese with their EHang EH 216-S and the Indians with the e200 and created their own pepelats.

SusHi Tech Tokyo 2024 is currently underway in Tokyo, Asia's largest and Japan's only conference on global innovation and international startup ecosystems to solve common global urban problems.

As part of the event, a demonstration flight of a Nexa brand flycar was conducted. In a parking lot near a strange-looking convention center, a vehicle driven by one person rose into the air to a height of about 10 meters.

According to the developers, the device has passed all tests. The vehicle was developed by the American company LIFT Aircraft, the project was first shown to the public back in 2019, and since then it has been constantly improved.

The aerocar has 18 propellers attached to the top of the single passenger cabin. Its width is 4.5 m, its height is 2.6 m, and its weight is 196 kg. As the creators themselves assure, a pilot’s license is not required to control this electric multi-engine drone. But it’s not clear about the driver’s license.

The aircraft is positioned as an amphibian. It is capable of landing on both land and water. HEXA has four floats around the perimeter for buoyancy and stability and a fifth, central float filled with energy-absorbing foam for additional buoyancy and protection during hard landings.

The creators of HEXA are confident that their brainchild is needed in picturesque uninhabited areas near major cities, tourist destinations and entertainment centers in the United States to increase tourist flow.

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