A man built a house 3 meters wide to spite his neighbor (10 photos)

16 May 2024

In the USA, an amazing residential building was built in Florida, which attracts attention with its miniature size. The two-story structure, located in Jacksonville Beach, is only 10 feet wide with plenty of depth to the lot.

The site on which the house stands was once a vacant lot and was used by neighbors as a garden plot. But in the 2000s, the developer bought almost 90% of the territory in this area and decided to erect a compact residential building on the remaining narrow plot. According to realtor Ryan Weatherhold, developer John Atkins even joked that he would build the house “to spite” his disgruntled neighbors.

Despite protests from nearby residents who tried to prevent construction on this tiny site, the developer still managed to obtain permission to build the house. Although it was originally planned to build a house 4.5 meters wide, in the end we had to settle on a 3-meter version.

The house even has space for a one-car garage.

Hallway leading to the dining room

View of the house from the backyard

Because of this unusual narrow layout, the house had to use some interesting design solutions. For example, protruding elements were created, reminiscent of sofas in a van, to make the most of the interior space. There is also a specially ordered dining table in the house.

Kitchen leading into living area

Living room with built-in seating on either side

Take a look at the top floor

Bedroom with large sliding door

Despite its miniature size, the two-story house with an area of 144 square meters is up for sale for $619,000. Some potential buyers have already expressed interest in this unusual property.

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