Flood in Afghanistan: 315 people killed, more than 1,600 injured (6 photos)

16 May 2024

Floods caused by heavy rains have devastated villages in northern Afghanistan. The number of victims of the disaster continues to grow. Thousands of homes have been destroyed, medical facilities and vital infrastructure damaged, and livestock destroyed.

Economy Minister Dean Mohammad Hanif called on the UN, humanitarian organizations and private businesses to provide assistance to flood victims.

“We have no food, no drinking water, no shelter, no blankets, nothing at all, the floods destroyed everything,” said Muhammad Yahqub, who lost 13 family members, including children.

“The survivors are having a hard time coping with the difficulties,” the man admitted.

"Out of 42 houses, only two or three remained; the flood destroyed the entire valley."

“Lives and livelihoods have been destroyed,” said Arshad Malik, director of Save the Children in Afghanistan. “Rain floods swept through villages, sweeping away houses and killing livestock.”

He estimated that 310,000 children lived in the worst-affected areas, adding: "The children have lost everything."

The Refugee Ministry said the latest death toll and injury figures came on Sunday from its local office in Baghlan. However, the number of victims may increase.

The UN classifies Afghanistan as one of the countries most vulnerable to climate change.

After the Taliban came to power in 2021, foreign aid stopped flowing into civil war-ravaged Afghanistan, which significantly affected the country's economy.

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