MMA fighter from Florida defeated an alligator with his bare hands (5 photos + 2 videos)
Mixed martial arts fighter Mike Dragic used his bare hands to subdue an eight-foot alligator that was crawling through Jacksonville's Northside neighborhood. Eight feet is approximately two and a half meters. Quite a big animal!
34-year-old Mike Dragic, known as the Blue Collar Brawler, was at a hockey game with his family when he received a call from the sheriff's department about a restless alligator roaming the streets.
Dragic, a mixed martial arts fighter, licensed alligator catcher and former Marine, didn't have any reptile trapping equipment with him, but he answered the call anyway and drove to a local shopping plaza.
Dragic (pictured with a previous catch) is a professional alligator hunter. It was lucky that at the right moment he was not far from the scene of the incident and was able to help
There he saw a growling alligator. Using only his arms and legs, Dragic pinned the predator to the ground and subdued it. The amazing fight was captured on video.
The fighter crept up unnoticed
Sneaking up behind the alligator, Dragic pounced on it and pressed on its neck. Then he lifted the beast’s jaws up and sealed them with special tape (apparently, he did have some kind of equipment).

After that, he lifted the 2.5-meter reptile into his arms without any problems and even posed a little with it to the joyful exclamations of the audience.

“The Jacksonville Sheriff's Office reported an alligator emergency and I was sent there. It was only five minutes from where the hockey game was, so I literally walked out of the stadium, caught an alligator and went back to watch the game,” Dragic said.

April is the start of mating season for alligators, so incidents like this can occur throughout the month.
Dragic has earned a reputation as a daredevil for getting rid of alligators and has amassed tens of thousands of followers online. Last June, he made headlines by taming a 10-foot alligator from a Jacksonville elementary school parking lot.