Through the desert: what the life of a camel driver looks like (4 photos)

25 June 2024

The life of a camel driver is somewhat similar to the life of a sailor. True, in the desert the animals themselves act as ships. To get to their destination, you need to be able to guide them, know how to navigate by the position of the stars, and take care of the animals.

How to navigate in the desert

Camel drivers know the desert like the back of their hand. They can easily find the necessary dune or well even in the dark. Many hills are very similar to each other, but the mushers are able to tell the difference between them and determine who is who. Such skills can only be developed.

It is very easy to get lost in the desert, which is why the profession of a driver is popular in arid areas. Few people can navigate there on their own. Due to sandstorms, some dunes can even change their appearance, which makes navigation even more difficult. But if you do get lost in the desert, the best way out is to try to return the way you came. If you can’t remember, then it’s good to wait until night and follow the stars. There is a third option: rely on your “ship”, because camels will definitely lead you to people.

The thing is that these animals have a well-developed memory, which helps them navigate. Camels cannot get lost: even as adults, they remember exactly where their mother fed them milk in the first months of life. It happens that small camels get lost in the desert. Later they return to the last feeding place, and if they do not find their mother there, then they go to the previous one, and so on. And the mother also follows this route. Adult camels also remember places where they felt good, so they are always able to find a place where they were fed or left to rest.

Camels have very different personalities, just like people. There are harmful animals, and there are less whimsical and calm ones. When forming a caravan, the driver always puts the most experienced and balanced camel first in the chain, because then the rest of the animals will look at him and take an example from him. By the way, this is how young camels are taught to walk in a caravan.

Only males can be in the caravan. Camels are never taken into the caravan, because then the males can become very aggressive. They are quite jealous and are capable of fighting with competitors for the attention of their chosen one until their death.

It is interesting that the drovers come specifically to the desert to get water. There are wells here where you can get water for free. Moreover, wells in the desert are very deep, and there is water there even in the driest times. Animals rarely need water. In winter, they may not drink for several weeks. Most often, they get enough moisture, which they consume along with plants.

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