Why do the Japanese indicate their blood type on their resume (7 photos)

Category: Health, PEGI 0+
25 June 2024

For the Japanese, blood type is the same as our zodiac signs. The Japanese make important decisions in life based on their blood type: who to promote, who to marry, who to socialize with, and so on. Do you want to surprise the Japanese? Tell him you don't know your blood type. For them it is impossible to imagine.


The blood typing test is called Ketsuke-gata. It is a must for every Japanese. Without it it is impossible to get a job. For the simple reason that the blood type determines who a given employee will work for, whether he is fit to be a boss or whether he will be a simple performer all his life.

The Japanese believe that blood type determines a person’s habits. And there, according to the classics - habit determines character, character determines destiny

The chances of becoming a boss are significantly higher for those with the first blood group. You may ask, where did this come from? The fact is that people with different blood groups have different temperaments. The Japanese believe that those with the first type are more ambitious than representatives of other blood groups. Therefore, the vast majority of Japanese leaders are people with the first blood group.

But if you need an ordinary worker, then you should hire people with the second blood group. They are diligent, pedantic, and good at routine.

And if you have a third blood type, then you are not suitable for office work. And it is useless for you to submit your resume. But designers, composers, journalists, cooks, and artists turn out to be excellent.

Correct relationships need to be built based on blood type

The weakest blood group is fourth. Owners of this group tend to have problems with communication. Among them there are many so-called hikikomori - restless people who do not work anywhere and sit on the necks of relatives.

The Ketsuke-gata theory is not officially recognized in Japan. And unofficially, try participating in any elections in Japan. If you do not have the first blood type, your chance of getting on the ballot is slim.

Rules for choosing clothes according to blood type

And in each restaurant you will be offered dishes specially suited to your blood type. Asking a store consultant to choose clothes based on your blood type is a common thing for a Japanese woman. By the way, did you know that Japanese women put paper bags on their heads during fitting?

In the fitting room with a bag on his head

Rules for putting a bag on your head

Tips for shoppers in Japanese stores

So if you are planning to start a relationship with the Japanese, no matter what - personal or business - it would be right to find out their blood type, and make plans based on this.

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