Cannabis will be legalized in Germany from April 1 (3 photos)

26 March 2024

Local residents will be able to store and grow a plant containing narcotic substances. Now legally.

In Germany, despite the protest of the medical community and representatives of several states, cannabis was legalized. The bill, previously approved by the Bundestag, passed through the Bundesrat - the meeting was broadcast on the YouTube channel of the legislative body.

The last vote was held to send the initiative for additional approval to a committee of the German parliament, but the required number of votes in favor of this step was not obtained. The Germans decided that there should be cannabis!

Among the opponents of the bill was the Prime Minister of Saxony, Michael Kretschmer. He said that the legalization of cannabis is an open Pandora's box that no one will be able to close now.

"I've seen so many people become so seriously ill due to drug abuse... that they could never return to a normal life. And I've talked to a lot of doctors who have warned against going down that road." , RIA Novosti quotes Kretschmer.

Doctors' associations were also against the bill. Doctors consider the justification that failure to legalize would provoke the development of a black market for drugs to be unimportant. Bavarian Health Minister Judith Gerlach is confident that in any case the black market will not disappear. They will offer hard drugs, and the same cannabis with a higher composition of cannabinoids. However, German Health Minister Karl Lauterbach did not agree with his colleague and actively promoted legalization, in which he succeeded.

The development of this project began back in 2022, then the German Minister of Health, after consultations with the European Commission, presented an updated plan for the legalization of cannabis.

The plan itself was as follows: the German authorities intend to first allow the sale of cannabis for recreational purposes only to members of non-profit “cannabis clubs”, after which it will be possible to launch test projects for commercial supply chains. Members of these clubs will be able to join only those over 18 years of age; each of these associations should have no more than 500 people. Members of the clubs will have the right to grow grass and then distribute it among members of their club. Everyone will be able to buy no more than 25 grams of cannabis one-time, and no more than 50 grams per month. You are allowed to keep no more than three plants at home.

A month ago, this law was adopted in the Bundestag with the support of 407 deputies. 226 people voted against him, four more abstained.

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26 March 2024
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