Soldiers smoke invaders out of holes with TM-62 anti-tank mines

21 March 2024
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A video recording of fragments of the clearing of enemy positions near Belogorovka in the Lugansk region by soldiers of the 81st Separate Brigade has been published online.

As Censor.NET reports, the recording shows how Ukrainian soldiers use TM-62 anti-tank mines to get the invaders out of their hiding places.

“A lieutenant of the Armed Forces of Ukraine with the call sign “Alex” shared footage of clearing enemy “undergrounds” with TM-62 anti-tank mines: “The work of my guys from the 81st Separate Brigade near Belogorovka. During the clearing, one occupier was torn to pieces by the first mine; two managed to escape. There are not holes there, but entire underground communications. And the chalk is simply terrible for digging in, there is chalk everywhere..." the author of the publication notes in the commentary.

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