The secrets of Mount Kailash, which is subject to the laws of time (9 photos)

16 March 2024

Mount Kailash (Kangrinboche), located in Western Tibet and the highest mountain in the area, is unique and mysterious. It is distinguished by a tetrahedral pyramidal shape with a snow cap and edges oriented almost exactly to the cardinal points.

There are many intriguing stories and legends surrounding it, making the peak a place of admiration among locals, travelers and tourists from all over the world.

One of the most puzzling possibilities of Tibet Peak is that people who spend time in the area age faster than usual. Hair and nails are said to grow at an abnormal rate. This phenomenon has not yet been explained by modern science.

For Buddhists, Mount Kailash has special significance because it is considered the heart of creation. According to the beliefs of local residents, the god of heaven lives on this mountain. Due to its spiritual significance, climbing Mount Kailash is strictly prohibited. Accordingly, in this regard, it was not even possible to establish the exact height. Various researchers believe that it ranges from 6638 to 6890 meters. According to legend, only one monk was able to climb to the top in the distant 11th century.

Lake Manasarovar

Mount Kailash is also home to Lake Manasarovar, the rights to which have been the subject of historical disputes. There are many myths and legends surrounding this place, some of which say that a deity lives here.

It is interesting that no one - neither travelers, nor scientists, nor even companions - managed to uncover the secrets of Kailash.

Researchers who are far from religion and mysticism are always hindered by something when trying to climb: bad weather, illness, deviation from the route, unnecessary paths.

And since it is not possible to climb to the top, people found an alternative and came up with a special ritual. If you walk around Kailash in a circle at the foot, then all sins will be forgiven, and the soul will find salvation, regardless of religious views. But there is a nuance: a person must be pure in soul. At least relatively. Since cases were recorded that people who had sinned a lot after going around significantly aged: they developed new wrinkles, their nails lengthened, and men grew a week’s worth of stubble in a day.

Its summit remains inaccessible, and no known trail leads to it. Moreover, in the vicinity of the mountain there are both freshwater and saltwater lakes, the origin of which is still shrouded in mystery.

Legend has it that Mount Kailash is home to the elusive Yeti - Bigfoot. Those who tried to rise reported supernatural phenomena and the feeling that their body was no longer functioning normally and was no longer in control. Scientists even noted that at night Mount Kailash changes shape and outline.

There are rumors that strange sounds are heard from Kailash at night. There is also a place on the mountain called the "Door of the Pit", which is considered to be the entrance to the realm of the god of death.

Moreover, Mount Kailash is famous for the special multi-colored light that appears in the sky above the peak. Although scientists speculate that this phenomenon may be related to magnetic activity, the true cause remains unclear.

The mountain’s ability to pose so many unanswered riddles to the world is truly amazing. Well, those who don’t particularly believe in mysticism can simply admire the majestic snow-capped peak, which deserves to be considered one of the greatest natural wonders of the planet.

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