German obstetrician turns babies in mother's womb to avoid caesarean section
Dr. Larry Hinkson is 49 years old. For 13 years he has been working as a senior obstetrician at the Charité clinic in Berlin. Pregnant women from all over Europe come to see him, and his videos on YouTube have been watched more than 100 million times. The reason is his innovative method of correcting breech presentation, when the baby did not turn head down before birth. This occurs in every twentieth pregnant woman. In 90% of such cases, a caesarean section is performed.
But Hinkson skillfully performs an external twist—unfolding the fetus directly in the abdomen, without any surgical intervention. This method has been known since Ancient Greece, but was previously considered risky and brought results only in 40-50% of cases. The doctor accidentally discovered a new technique based on the baby’s reflexes: if you touch his back, he turns his pelvis and head, if you stroke his feet, he bends his legs. In this way, the doctor does not roughly turn the child around, but encourages him to roll over on his own. At the same time, the doctor constantly relies on ultrasound data.