Caesarean section: Pros and cons

Category: Health, Children, PEGI 0+
10 April 2008

Every woman must understand: with a caesarean section, the risk to her life increases twelvefold. And in the baby the pressure drop occurs sharply, so microhemorrhages may occur in the newborn’s brain

In the last couple of years, specialists working with preschoolers have noted that many more children born by cesarean section have begun to come to them for appointments.

This operation was invented a long time ago. At first it was done only to dying mothers to save the child.

Today the situation has changed. On the one hand, cesarean sections are still performed for medical reasons when normal childbirth poses a threat to the life and health of the mother or child. But there is another side to the problem: many young mothers now refuse to give birth naturally, trying to avoid pain. And among doctors, the view is also spreading that, based on the principles of individual freedom, one should meet such women halfway, performing operations at their request.

But at the same time, every woman must understand: with a caesarean section, the risk to her health and life increases twelvefold!

Of course, it is often easier for the doctor to perform a caesarean section rather than undergoing a difficult, complicated labor for many hours. And women think that it is much easier to fall asleep and wake up with a child. But no one knows what complications these women will have after some time. Intestinal obstruction, adhesive disease and many different other problems may appear. But there is no turning back now.

Of course, the above does not mean at all that the thought of a caesarean section should always be rejected out of hand. No competent specialist will tell you this.

But you probably shouldn’t blindly trust the first doctor you come across. Yes, the health of expectant mothers now often leaves much to be desired. According to the observations of gynecologists, now young women, much more often than before, have a narrow pelvis, which prevents normal childbirth (this, by the way, is largely the result of a teenage craze for diets and an addiction to tight jeans).

But maybe, at least for children, a caesarean section is good? Sometimes you can hear that with this operation the child is relieved of the pain and fear that he endures while passing through the birth canal.

However, according to experts, this is from the realm of myths. Scientists have proven that during a natural birth, a child does not experience pain. It is quite well protected. Moreover, in the so-called period of hypernation, when the baby falls asleep, adapting to the passage through the birth canal, all its physiological processes slow down and become more economical. The body is thus preparing for a gradual pressure drop from the mother's womb into the environment.

During cesarean delivery, the pressure drop occurs sharply, so microhemorrhages may occur in the newborn’s brain. Cases of minimal brain dysfunction are not uncommon. Some psychiatrists express the opinion that due to the failure of the baby to pass through the birth canal, he may subsequently develop apathetic character traits (weak will, indifference). Which, naturally, will interfere with his studies, and in life in general.

As for fear, in the old days there was indeed a belief that children born through Caesarean section were distinguished by fearlessness. However, this is also from the realm of legends, which is now easy to verify by observing such children, who, unfortunately, are becoming more and more numerous. Rather, on the contrary, many of them are more anxious and excitable than children born in the usual way. Among them there are often hyperactive children suffering from attention deficit. This, by the way, is quite compatible with weakness of will: the child wants and can only do what interests him. But he is not able to overcome difficulties, even minor ones.

Many “Caesareans” have difficult relationships in their families. Especially with mom. Of course, children are different, but, according to psychologists, a typical child born by Caesarean section is highly dependent and at the same time more prone to dominance than ordinary children. In the family, he is often a manipulator, cleverly playing on the weaknesses of adults and constantly showing “who is in charge.” This behavior unnerves everyone and, above all, the child himself. Commanding adults, he ceases to feel support in them. And whoever is not a support is not a defense. This only increases the fears to which the baby is already very susceptible. After all, any child, no matter how much he “performs” in front of his loved ones, understands perfectly well that he is small and weak. And the world is big, full of dangers. Whose protection can such a child count on? Can those whom he pulls the strings like puppets be a real protection for him?

Of course, many psychological difficulties can be overcome or at least partially corrected. But it is always more difficult to restore than to destroy.

And finally, a little legal information. Not everyone probably knows that one of the conditions for a cesarean section is the written consent of the patient. Such consent is not required only for emergency surgery, when the woman is in shock or bleeding and her life is at risk. Only in such a situation does the doctor have the right, without observing legal formalities, to take the woman to the operating room. In all other cases, he is obliged to obtain her written consent, having previously explained why she needs to be operated on and warned about the possible consequences of the operation.

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