Cruise ships leaving the port of Fort Lauderdale

Category: Ships, PEGI 0+
4 March 2024

Port Everglades is a seaport and cruise port located in Fort Lauderdale, Florida. It is the largest cruise port in the world and one of the largest cargo ports in the United States.

Port Everglades serves more than 5 million cruise passengers annually and more than 20 million tons of cargo. The port has 10 cruise terminals that can simultaneously accommodate more than 50 cruise ships. The port also has 7 cargo terminals that handle a variety of cargo, including containers, general cargo and bulk cargo.

Port Everglades is an important economic engine for South Florida. The port generates more than $43 billion in economic activity annually and supports more than 334,500 jobs. The port is also an important center of trade for the United States. Caribbean and Latin American countries.

Here are some interesting facts about Port Everglades:

- This is the busiest cruise port in the world. in the world with more than 5 million passengers annually.
- It is the 10th largest cargo port in the United States.
- The port has 10 cruise terminals and 7 cargo terminals.
- The port generates more than $43 billion in economic activity annually.
- The port supports more than 334,500 jobs.
- The port is an important center of trade for the United States. Caribbean and Latin American countries.

4 March 2024
24 494 comments
а навіщо вони червоний розгортали на 270, а не на 90?
6 March 2024
1 729 comments
я саме катався на одному з них, який на 25 секунді розвертається, Oasis of the Seas, було 12 років тому, за віп каюту я віддав тоді по 999 доларів за людину (нас було двоє), це 7 днів з усіма ресторанами включеними до вартість (шкода без напоїв) та всіма шоу програмами на водній арені, на арені стендап та на льодовій арені всередині лайнера. Це реально незабутній круїз на 7 днів. Зараз я думаю фіг туди взагалі потрапиш з цими обмеженнями, навіть під час ковіду.
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