They tried to kill: in Russia, local residents took up arms against the owner of a pit bull that bit a neighbor

31 January 2024

Aggressive people grabbed an ax and bats to kill the dog.

In the Osinovka residential area in Bratsk, a crowd of neighbors decided to get even with an aggressive dog and his owner. This was reported to the Bratsk Ministry of Internal Affairs.

The police clarified that the conflict occurred over a dog. In October 2023, a pit bull terrier bit a 63-year-old woman living in a neighboring house, and after that the owner also got into a fight with the victim (brought to justice).

The yard lived quietly for a couple of months, until the dog attacked again. This time the daughter of a 63-year-old woman was injured. Police reported that local residents tried to “pacify the pet,” which resulted in a renewed conflict with its owner.

The dog's owner told a completely different story. According to her, in 2023, a woman attacked her with a stun gun, and the dog bit her for it. Since then there have been several more attempted attacks, the last one caught on CCTV.


On the morning of January 27, a woman with a dog was attacked by two other women armed with an ax and a bat. Ksenia wanted to hide in the vestibule, but two more joined the attackers. According to the video, the attackers tried their best to hit the dog with a hatchet and a bat.

The attackers managed to grab the dog and take it to the trash cans. There they started beating her, but the dog was able to wriggle free and run away.

According to Ksenia, ambulance workers took her to the hospital, where she received several stitches. Veterinarians recorded a lacerated head wound and multiple hematomas in the dog.

The dog's owner claims that she contacted the police many times with a complaint about aggressive neighbors and even wrote statements, but nothing happened.

After the videos appeared on social networks, the Bratsk Ministry of Internal Affairs announced an investigation. A forensic medical examination has been ordered to determine the severity of the injuries inflicted on the owner of the pit bull terrier.

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