In Kazakhstan, a woman gave her husband a second wife for his birthday (3 photos + 1 video)
Category: Interesting photo stories, PEGI 0+
16 January 2024
So that he doesn’t go to the left and is always under supervision.
An extremely thoughtful and conscientious woman was discovered in Atyrau (Kazakhstan). At her husband's birthday celebration, his wife thanked her husband for the trials they had gone through together and presented him with an unusual gift. Alive.
He became a 23-year-old girl, whom his wife presented as a second wife for her husband.
It turned out that this girl worked as a nurse in the hospital where the woman had been treated for a long time. What prompted the young nurse to agree to the offer to become a second wife, history is silent. It's interesting that she absolutely agrees with her fate. Moreover, it is reported that her parents are also aware of everything and do not object.
At least, the real wife explained it to her husband this way: “When I was in the hospital and very sick, this nurse looked after me. She was born in 2000 and agrees to everything.” It is known that the husband and wife lived in marriage for 10 years.
The video was posted on one of the social networks and immediately went viral. It is interesting that Kazakhstan is considered a secular state, but the customs of polygamy are still present, albeit unspoken.
A second marriage cannot be officially registered, but a Muslim ritual is performed, according to which a man takes a second (and subsequent) woman as his wife. All these spouses are considered as legitimate as the first wife.

Previously, distant relatives who were left without husbands became “tokal”. They were usually taken as wives only for status. It was not necessary to maintain a marital relationship. Now, second wives are most often legalized mistresses, and the opinion of the first wife in this case is taken into account last.
As for the hero of the video, judging by his face, the news about his second wife took him by surprise. Maybe the man wouldn’t mind such a gift, but perhaps he wanted to choose the tokal to his liking?
As for the opinion of Kazakhstanis, for example, theater and film actor, once Jackie Chan's stunt double Ramazan Amirgaliev, commenting on this video, remarked:
If according to Islam, then women who are left without husbands and with children are taken into tokal. And not young girls. To support a woman with children, so that her children grow up with the support of her newly-made husband. Thank God, we still have a secular state, and tokal is prohibited by law. For some reason I'm sure this is not a joke. That this is true (about the video - editor's note). And are we getting closer to Afghanistan, Sudan and other relevant countries? Why don't you move there, gentlemen? And get at least four wives there? - Amirgaliev is surprised.
However, what can we talk about if the Kazakh imam and theologian Nurlan Baizhigituly, expressing his opinion on polygamy, quoted the Koran: “You are allowed to marry a second, a third, but one is better.” That is, it’s not worth it, but if you really want it, then why not.