The Japanese took the broken glass to the beach. And it’s wonderful (4 photos + 1 video)
From a distance it is difficult to notice what is wrong with this beach near the Japanese city of Omura. Until the rays of the sun fall on the shore and it sparkles in a way that sand cannot sparkle. Because instead of grains of sand there are... small pieces of household glass.
Where did the glass grains of sand come from?
Once upon a time, local residents suffered terribly from the stench from the lake shore. Because here was an excellent environment for various algae to multiply and then rot on the shore.
Andersen's fairy tales or The Wizard of the Emerald City? What is the first thing you remember?
No amount of cleaning helped, because the algae grew again and again. Therefore, it was decided to change the landscape itself, and in a very unexpected and original way.
All the stones were removed from the beach, and a thick layer of artificial grains of sand-pebbles, made from household glass, was poured on top of the sand. These are broken glasses, bottles of white, yellow, green colors. All the garbage that the Japanese have been sorting separately for years.
This is what this sand looks like in the palm of your hand
And finally - it was rewarded! Years of sorting helped the Japanese create a fabulous beach.
Hidden fairytale beauty
This beach is located in Nagasaki Prefecture. And you can go for a walk there. The glass granules are small enough not to injure your foot. So even the little mermaid on her new legs would not have had any pain in going ashore in this place. And it's just very beautiful.
But swimming there is still prohibited. Because now that the stink problem has been resolved, the Japanese are working to restore a healthy ecosystem in Omura Bay.
Naturally, it is also better not to take glass grains of sand with you, so as not to leave the beach bald. Moreover, it is just small glass. You can simply buy yourself a bag of beads at the store.
And leave the beauty for the next tourists to admire.
I like this beach much more than the recent Pink Love Island from a Chinese guy. Although both of these places are made of artificial materials, the magic is felt more in the glass beach.

And here, by the way, is a beach made of glass in Vladivostok. Also with a block of snow, just a Tale of Tales!
What kind of artificial beauty do you like?