Acid “hares” are not a figment of fantasy and not photoshop (6 photos)
Sometimes, when you see another amazing creation, you can doubt: isn’t it the fruit of the work of neural networks under the guidance of a person with a wild imagination, and aren’t these drawings of a person under the influence of some substances?
Calm and only calm! As one man in the prime of his life said. Here are the real inhabitants of our planet.
So, ladies and gentlemen, allow me to recommend representatives of an ancient (and perhaps respected in their circles) family - Nembrotha.
These colorful goldfinches are gastropods, related to our snails, which can be found in ponds and gardens. However, they are quite distant relatives, since their relationship is at the level of the “Gastropod” class.
These sea slugs belong to the order of nudibranchs and, as the name suggests, they have exposed gills.
Try to guess what are the gills in the photo of the mollusks: their “ears” or “wings”? Have you placed your bets? Then the correct answer is. The gills are their “wings”. Then what are “ears”?
And these are rhinophores, special organs of chemoreception, which can be roughly described as organs of smell, taste and touch at the same time, since they sense the chemical composition of their environment and the flow of water. That's why they have a lamellar structure (clearly visible in the photo above) to provide a larger area for their chemoreceptors.
The high sensitivity of the chemoreceptor organ is necessary for these mollusks to find the right food (they are very selective in their diet) and to find a partner for reproduction.
By the way, these slugs, without exception, are hermaphrodites, but do not fertilize themselves. When partners fuse, they fertilize each other, which is a more effective survival strategy than “male + female”, since as a result of mating, two “pregnant” parents are formed at once.