Closer to nature: a girl feeds gorillas, whom she has known since infancy (15 photos + 2 videos)
This cute 20-year-old blonde is the daughter of Damian Aspinall, a British millionaire and conservationist. Her name is Freya Eyre Aspinall and since childhood she has spent a lot of time surrounded by animals in the wildlife park that her father owns.
Protecting nature is, one might say, a family business for the Aspinalls, since Damian’s father started this business. Today Damian runs the John Aspinall Foundation and its goal is to breed gorillas and return them to the wild. He runs Howletts Wildlife Park in Kent and nearby Port Lympne Park, where at least 120 gorillas have been born.
In the touching video below, Freya gives treats to a couple of gorillas - she sits next to them in the enclosure and gives them treats like little children. Freya has known 36-year-old silverback gorilla Keefa and 35-year-old Tambabi since they were born.
Freya has developed a trusting relationship with this couple over 20 years. She and her father are the only people who can approach gorillas without fear and interact with them calmly.

“This kind of interaction takes years of trust, love and respect. No one except Freya and Damian enters their enclosure with them. No tricks, no tricks, just years of love, mutual respect and trust,” said Howletts Wild Animal Park staff.

Freya fed these gorillas from an early age and therefore feels comfortable with them

“Freya has been communicating with animals this way since childhood. Animals are honest. If the gorillas didn't want to communicate, they would let you know through their body language before you were about to enter their enclosure."

The gorillas have known Freya since childhood, trust her and treat her with respect.

Little Freya always enjoyed taking pictures with the gorillas in the enclosure

Today she runs the family business with her father.

Gorillas are not the only wild animals with whom Freya calmly and happily communicates.
Here she is feeding a giraffe at Port Lympne Nature Reserve in Kent, owned by her father Damian Aspinall, in 2018

And here is Freya with the family cheetah Saba (he was raised at home and then released into the wild in Africa)

Freya and Saba

Freya and Saba

Freya and female black rhinoceros Salome with her calf at Howletts Wildlife Park in 2018

Freya recently celebrated her 20th birthday by partying with one of her lion cubs at Howletts Wildlife Park

“I grew up around animals and can’t imagine my world without them,” says Freya. “It’s in my blood—I always knew what I wanted to do.”