Even nature tells Russians not to go to military registration and enlistment offices, much less to go to war in Ukraine

22 December 2023
A 34-year-old citizen came to register. And he died from a broken spine and ruptured liver.

Yesterday, a huge ice floe fell in the Moscow region and injured several people in line at the military registration and enlistment office. At first, eyewitnesses said that 2 women received bruises and were hospitalized. The rest did not require medical assistance.

Then everything turned out to be worse for the guy.

There, a huge part of the thick ice melted away, this ice was 20 centimeters thick, maybe even 30. It probably shattered into 50 pieces,” said an eyewitness.

The women really suffered. But the ice floe injured two more - one of them was hospitalized in a condition of moderate severity. And the second one ended up in intensive care with a spinal fracture and liver rupture. He passed away this morning.

The deceased was 34 years old, he came to the military registration and enlistment office to register at his place of registration. The man left behind a wife and three children.
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