A bridge collapsed in a Karelian village; they spent $80,000 to repair it this summer (11 photos + 1 video)

21 December 2023

“In China, these funds will be used to build a concrete bridge with two lanes for cars!” - local residents are indignant, who will now have to travel about 2 kilometers to the nearest bridge.

On December 18, an emergency occurred in the Karelian village of Sudalitsy, Olonets district: a recently repaired suspension bridge across the river collapsed. The piquancy of the situation is that a huge amount of money was spent on its restoration: over 80 thousand dollars.

The incident was reported in the VKontakte group of the Olonetsky district administration. They also reported that the next day a meeting was held with a contractor who would conduct an inspection of the bridge structures and draw up a defective list for the materials necessary for repairs.

It is noticeable in the photo that the bridge beams were broken, the bridge structure was warped and it partially fell into the river.

And although the administration assures that the repair of the bridge will be carried out under warranty, i.e. at the expense of a construction company that was previously involved in the reconstruction of the structure, local residents doubt that these workers should be trusted.

Other villagers speculate that snow is to blame for the collapse. They say that the bridge was not cleared of snow cover - it put pressure on the structure and broke it. As proof, they cite a photo of a bridge barely dusted with snow.

It is interesting that in the summer, after the bridge was repaired, member of the Legislative Assembly of Karelia Yuri Vasiliev boasted that the new bridge was very reliable and durable, since the structure itself was metal.

After the emergency, A. Bastrykin became interested in the situation, and instructed the head of the Investigation Department, E.N. Shvets to submit a report on the progress of the inspection and the circumstances established.

A fence was erected around the bridge, and the villagers were informed that they would now only be able to get to the other side of the river via the road bridge in Olonets. It is located 2 kilometers from Sudalice. The bridge repairs are expected to be completed in two weeks.

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