20 New Year trees from the “Hug and Cry” series (21 photos)

Category: New Year, Fun, PEGI 0+
21 December 2023

Some people try very hard to decorate their house for the New Year holidays, putting their whole soul into the decor, while others don’t bother and build themselves a “Christmas tree” from improvised materials. Sometimes the result looks quite elegant and original, although most often it’s just funny.

The people on the list below chose "laziness" as their Christmas decor theme this year, and who could blame them? Their attempts are so sad that they make you laugh - and this is a great contribution to the holiday mood!

1. An air freshener decorated with a tiny glowing garland. With the smell of a real Christmas tree!

2. A sprig of rosemary and a clothespin. Minimalism as it is

3. Modest and tasteful

4. Hello, hello, New Year...

5. Why not just draw a Christmas tree? Cheap and cheerful

6. Someone carefully threw tinsel on the fan

7. New Year's holidays with friends

8. Christmas tree made of rags

9. Small and remote

10. Soaring spruce

11. A garland always saves the situation

12. Christmas idyll

13. Nice try, but no

14. Times are tough these days, let’s celebrate as best we can

15. Christmas tree made from frying pans. Buyers will not pass by!

16. For the laziest

17. The tree is good. I was just sick

18. From what was at hand

19. Not without some elegance

20. What year - such a Christmas tree

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