Poroshenko was not allowed through at the border: The travel document signed by the Speaker of the Verkhovna Rada was canceled

Category: Other video, PEGI 16
3 December 2023
The leader of the EU and the fifth president of Ukraine, Petro Poroshenko, said that he was not allowed through at the border, despite the document on business trips signed by the chairman of the Verkhovna Rada.

“Again, a theater of the absurd at the border. I have a business trip signed by the Chairman of the Verkhovna Rada, but the border guards did not let me through. I am far from the opinion that the border guards acted on their own initiative. Everyone can guess for themselves who canceled the document signed by the Speaker of Parliament,” it says message.

According to Poroshenko, he has dozens of meetings planned in Poland and the United States

“I had to talk with the Poles about lifting the blockade of our carriers on the border. With the Americans, about ensuring funding for military assistance, which has almost been exhausted this year, is under threat in the future. And without it, we cannot defeat Russia.

The situation is very difficult. Therefore, the emphasis in the program is on problematic Republicans. My meeting with the new Speaker of the House of Representatives, Johnson, was disrupted. Therefore, what happened today at the border is not petty sabotage. This is anti-Ukrainian sabotage. This is not just obstructing the diplomatic work of my entire team. And, unfortunately, a blow to Ukraine’s defense capability,” added the fifth president.
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