Women in India are forced to donate organs to men (7 photos)

1 December 2023
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Quite a scary statistic from India. Over 25 years of transplantation operations, 80% of the donors were women. But the recipients of new organs are 80% men.

These are quite alarming statistics based on data from 1995 to 2021, indicating a huge gender imbalance and inequality.

Moreover, wives or mothers for their men most often become donors.

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In South Korea, for example, the situation is milder; there is a bias towards softer kidney donors - 60% of kidney donors are women. Suddenly, everywhere in Asia, women became donors more often, except... in Pakistan, Hong Kong and the Philippines. I wonder what formed this!

They not only give more often, but also receive less often.

The problem is not just the generosity of Indian women. And the fact is that they are given new organs many times less often! That is, the “right to life” is given to men by default.

It's only worse in Bangladesh, where only 18% of those who receive a donor kidney are women.

Despite the disadvantages, there are still women surgeons in India

It’s just that women have better kidneys and better health, you say?

The doctors took this into account. And they noted that from a medical point of view there is no indication that men need kidneys more often. Here men and women are equal.

Mother for son - yes, father for daughter - no

The largest percentage of donors in India are within the family. But it is always one-sided, mothers give organs to their sons and husbands.

Why? Because men are considered the breadwinners of the family. The mother is simply afraid that if her husband dies, who will provide for the children? She does not consider her death to be such a risk for the children.

Women are often brought to the hospital... by their mothers-in-law!

“If something happens to a woman, it is not as bad as if a man suffers,” as one of the doctors at the transplant center, Srivari Bhanuchandra, explained.

Even if a man has a brother with a more suitable organ, the choice still falls on his wife and not on his brother.

The liver is one of the most common organ transplants

This is because it is quite difficult for women to find paid work in India, and the patriarchal structure throughout the country makes the role of a housewife, even with a low family income, the most acceptable for women.

What if a woman needs an organ?

Doctors talk about an interesting tradition of “demonstrative donation.” When a husband offers his wife his organ only for her to refuse out of guilt. If she thinks of agreeing, she is pressured by her husband's family, which is always the main one in the life of the spouses.

In Nepal, by the way, there is a whole village without kidneys, where the men bought into fairy tales that it is harmless

If the husband needs an organ, then both the wife’s family and the husband’s family put pressure on the woman that she must be a support and a donor.

That is, charity in favor of women, even within families, is fake.

Housewives have a small household, but there are no washing machines or anything else, so there is a lot of manual work

In general, the reason for universal female donation is not the good soul of Indian women. And the fact is that socially, economically and historically they are in the position that they are “less important to the family.”

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