Spanish Mastiff: loyalty, calmness, strength (8 photos)

Category: Animals, PEGI 0+
29 November 2023

The Spanish or Leonese Mastiff is an ancient indigenous dog breed bred on the slopes of the Spanish mountains to protect livestock. I suggest you learn a few facts about these large and strong animals with a somewhat peculiar appearance.

When you think of Spain, what comes first to mind? Ardent and passionate people, hot flamenco, spectacular bullfighting, sea, sun, love... What about dogs? Do Spanish dogs seem to you to be as fast, bright and daring as the country itself? Then you guessed right, because Spanish mastiffs are simply the embodiment of all canine phlegm!

These watchdogs can grow up to 85 centimeters at the withers and weigh up to 100 kilograms - impressive dimensions! Today, the Spaniards are considered one of the most powerful representatives of canines.

In addition to their size, mastiffs are distinguished by their body structure. The dogs are strong, big-boned and even a little rough - as if their silhouette was chopped with an ax from a single piece of rock, and a skin three sizes larger was pulled on top. But this is how it was intended: extra folds and fat used to help animals in their work, but now they simply touch the owners.

So, wait, what kind of work is this that requires folds?! I hasten to disappoint you, this will not suit people. But for mastiffs it’s easy! As many as 2000 years ago, these bobbies were specially bred in this format in order to protect huge herds of sheep from wolves. In those days, the folds served as a natural bulletproof vest against teeth: when a predator bit a dog, its fangs dug first into the fur and then into the skin. Wolves are too tough to bite through the thick and loose skin of the Spaniards down to the muscles and even more so the internal organs.

Centuries of breeding for Spanish Mastiffs have been aimed at training the dogs to intuitively protect sheep from predators. Although this work is difficult, it does not require constant investment of energy - it is enough for the bobbies to move lazily with the flock and keep watch. They “turn on” only during real danger, but then they can no longer be stopped!

As if confirming the phlegmatic nature of the dogs themselves, in the history of this breed there have been no sharp surges in popularity or declines in numbers. It was as if they were simply living in Spain all the time, herding sheep and serving people. In fact, mastiffs continue to do this today. In the vastness of their homeland you can still find true Leonese dogs that still perform their direct duties.

Of course, now many people get this breed just like that, as a companion. But when deciding to get a Spanish Mastiff, you need to think three times. Firstly, this is a very large dog, which means it is demanding in terms of living conditions. They will not be able to live outside in the Siberian frosts: the fur, although dense, is not warm. And at home they can be hot, cramped and ill, because they are huge and heavy.

Secondly, these watchdogs are not the most affectionate and easy to train breed. Mastiffs are not servants or tricksters; they are used to thinking with their own heads. For a beginner, this character can be quite challenging. And not every experienced owner can handle a carcass weighing over 100 kilos if it suddenly really wants to do something.

Thirdly, they need to move a lot. Animals were bred to waste energy monotonously and constantly. And sitting on the couch, they tend to quickly gain excess weight. Again, walking such a carcass is not an easy task. And then take it into the bath, wash and dry - even better! It’s good that daily care for them is minimal.

But the breed also has an undeniable advantage - Leons do not have a bunch of genetic diseases. This is a very healthy breed, but like all giants, Spaniards can be prone to various musculoskeletal diseases.

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