russian invasion of Ukraine. Chronicle for November 24-27

Category: Summary, PEGI 16
28 November 2023

In the early morning of February 24, 2022, Russia launched missile attacks on Ukrainian territory and launched a direct, full-scale invasion. The Ukrainian Armed Forces repel the enemy

- the Russian Federation launched a new offensive on Avdeevka, although probably with weaker mechanized capabilities than in the previous waves of offensive that occurred in October - ISW, situation at the front.

▪️Ukrainian forces continue offensive operations on the Kupyansk-Svatovo-Kremennaya line and are making good progress. Fighting continues in the area of Torskoye (15 km west of Kremennaya) and Serebryansky forestry.

▪️Russia can hardly use a large amount of military equipment due to weather conditions.

▪️The Ukrainian Armed Forces are successfully advancing in the west of the Zaporozhye region.

▪️Ukrainian troops have also intensified attacks on the forest area near Krynoki and are holding positions on the eastern bank of the Kherson region.

AFU advanced southeast of Kupyansk and attacked along the Kupyansk-Svatovo-Kremennaya line, - ISW, situation at the front.

▪️Ukrainian forces liberated previously lost positions in the Yagodnoye area (22 km southeast of Kupyansk).

▪️Ukrainian troops continued their assault operations south of Bakhmut.

▪️The Ukrainian Armed Forces also repelled ground attacks by Russian troops in the area of Bogdanovka (5 km northwest of Bakhmut), Ivanovsky (6 km west of Bakhmut), Kleshcheevka and Andreevka.

▪️Ukrainian forces maintain positions in Krynki (30 km northeast of Kherson and 3 km from the Dnieper River)

Ukrainian forces advanced half a kilometer in the direction of Novofedorivka (15 km northeast of Rabotino), - ISW, situation at the front.

▪️ The Ukrainian Armed Forces are preparing to launch a local offensive near Kremennaya.

▪️ Ukrainian troops continue the operation south of Bakhmut, causing losses in manpower and military equipment of the Russian Federation, and also repelled attacks by Russian troops in the area of Kleshcheevka and Andreevka.

▪️Ukrainian forces also hold positions on the eastern bank of the Kherson region.

- On the anniversary of the Holodomor, the Russian Federation released a record number of drones across Ukraine - 75 Shaheds

The consequences of the attack on Kyiv - footage published by the State Emergency Service.

- Black Hawk helicopter for Ukrainian military intelligence (GUR) - Czechs and Slovaks raised 400 thousand euros in a week for a helicopter for reconnaissance officers.

In the first week, Czechs and Slovaks donated more than 400,000 euros for the helicopter. Its total cost is about 4.3 million euros.

As soon as the amount necessary for the purchase is collected, the Czech Ministry of Defense will transfer the Black Hawk to Ukrainian intelligence officers.

The Czechs have already transferred to the Ukrainian Armed Forces 15 Victor air defense systems, a T-72 tank and an RM-70 anti-aircraft missile system for a total amount of $2.3 million.

- Ukraine is preparing to evacuate drivers from blocked checkpoints on the Polish border

The Ministry of Infrastructure reports that they are ready to take out everyone. Ukraine is also initiating the creation of a monitoring group from the EU at the border.

Earlier, a message appeared that a second person had already died at the border.

- Sergei Mironov and his wife took 2 children from the Kherson region, and took one of them for themselves

He adopted a 10-month-old girl and changed her name, through a Russian court, of course. The child has other relatives.

- Polish carriers at the border are blocking supplies of military equipment to Ukraine

Stuck in traffic jams are components for Lancet proximity detectors, fuel, drones, thermal imagers and humanitarian aid.

- In winter, Germany will provide Ukraine with another Patriot system

- The border with Slovakia is no longer blocked, - State Border Guard Service.

- 9 billion UAH per day of alarm - this is how much the Ukrainian economy loses due to constant air raids.

A year ago this figure was 7 billion UAH.

- Consequences of an unsuccessful attack by the Russian military in the Kupyansk direction

- Russian 2S3 Akatsiya is a little broken, perhaps it’s a North Korean Lend-Lease

- At a Perm school, a class was named after a “Wagnerian” drug addict

The 5-A class of school No. 47 in Perm now officially bears the name of “hero of the Northern Military District Asadov Samad Chingizovich.” He died in January near Bakhmut. Of course, the “hero” was a criminal and was serving a sentence under Article 228 of narcotics.

- Footage of the Russian night attack in Kyiv was shown to Reuters 🤯

The photo shows a black shahed. According to Ignat, Russia paints them with carbon fiber to make it more difficult for mobile air defense teams to shoot down these cans at night.

Black Shaheds began to use reshis 🤬

Such camouflage can make it difficult to detect them at night using a searchlight, which is the main means of detection for mobile air defense teams.

During the massive attack of the Shaheds, the President of Latvia was in Kyiv.

Edgars Rinkevičs, who is on a visit to the capital, posted a photo from his hiding place, which he captioned “November 25, 05:10 am, Kyiv.”

- Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky has warned his military leadership against interfering in the country's politics, striking out at his top commander after tensions between them emerged.

“With all due respect to General Zaluzhny and to all the commanders on the battlefield, there is an absolute understanding of the hierarchy and that’s it - and there cannot be two, three, four, five.”

Ukrainian law allows only one person to have decision-making power during a war, otherwise national unity could be at risk, Zelensky told The Sun.

He also warned that military commanders risked insubordination among soldiers if they became political.

- Ukraine has agreed to receive warships to ensure the safety of ships in the “grain corridor” in the Black Sea, Zelensky says.

Zelensky also announced that new Western air defense systems will be delivered to the Odessa region. Apparently, they will also be used to cover the grain corridor.

- Japan also began installing barbecues. Japanese Type 10 tanks with casing against kamikaze drones

- The Americans delivered the M1A1 Abrams tank. Somewhere in the eastern direction.

I hope the depleted uranium will do the trick

- Strong radar interference over Sevastopol, Crimea, on satellite images.

Somewhere, an oncologist has already started counting money, and the number of girls who will help in negative demographics will increase

- Refrigerators that the occupiers stole in Ukraine are being sold in the Krasnodar Territory

Not only are the looters, but also lazy, that they did not remove the labels in Ukrainian with the Ukrainian flag.

- Kyiv was close to blackouts due to a drone attack yesterday, - head of Ukrenergo.

The Russian Federation damaged several powerful main power lines supplying the capital and surrounding cities. Therefore, there were dangers of blackouts during the period of their restoration.

Currently, two lines have resumed operation, there are no risks.

- Schoolchildren from Sosnovy Bor near Moscow were forced to play “military hospital”

The children were dressed in medical uniforms and shown bloody mannequins with severed limbs. Schoolchildren were shown amputated parts of mannequins and various objects that were removed from the bodies of soldiers during World War II.

What a complete mess...

- The mayor of Penza called for stopping placing signs on schools in memory of those killed during the war

This call has already received the support of the State Duma.

Translation: the losses in the war are so huge that there won’t be enough signs for all of them 🤭

- In Naberezhnye Chelny, a newborn was named Russia

The girl's full name is Russia-Svyatosiya-Svyatorossiya. The parents also named their eldest son an unusual name - Nature.

- The war may again go beyond the East and South, we are preparing for this, - Commander of the Joint Forces of the Armed Forces of Ukraine Sergei Naev.

This option is possible if the Russian Federation continues to increase arms production and improve technology, while Western assistance to Ukraine will decrease.

We are preparing for this. We build defenses, lay mines, train our troops

- Economist Robin Brooks:

German exports of cars and parts (blue) to Kyrgyzstan have increased by 5,500% since Russia invaded Ukraine.

It doesn't take a rocket scientist to know that it's all headed to Russia. This does not mean that a massive boom has suddenly begun in Kyrgyzstan. Germany must stop this...

- 15 downed “Daggers” and dozens of ballistic missiles, - Ignat about the achievements of the Patriot air defense system.

- Exports from Turkey to the Russian Federation have tripled over the past year, – Financial Times.

Since the beginning of 2023, Turkey has exported $158 million in military goods. This is three times more than in the same period in 2022.

Sanctions are not for everyone🤬

- Putin accused Western artificial intelligence of Russophobia and demanded to invent a Russian one with “traditional values”

Western artificial intelligence algorithms demonstrate “bias” towards Russia, and therefore the country needs its own developments based on “traditional values”. Russian President Vladimir Putin announced this on Friday at an AI conference in Moscow.

According to Putin, monopoly dominance of Western artificial intelligence technologies in the Russian market is “unacceptable and dangerous.” “The algorithm can tell the machine, for example, that Russia, our culture, science, music, literature simply do not exist. They don’t take into account, and sometimes they simply ignore and “cancel” Russian culture,” Putin complained.

He added that it is “simply impossible” to ban the development of AI technologies, but it is necessary to control it. It is necessary to ensure the safety and reasonableness of the creation and use of such technologies, and “traditional culture” should serve as a support for this, Putin emphasized.

“Our traditional values, the richness and beauty of the Russian language, the languages of other peoples of Russia - they should form the basis of our developments,” the president said. According to Putin, libraries and archives, as well as specialists in the humanities, should be involved in this work.

The result, according to the president’s plan, should be the strengthening of Russia’s scientific, educational, technological, and production potential, as well as economic development.

“The widespread introduction of artificial intelligence technologies <…> is one of the most important conditions for the rapid growth of citizens’ incomes and the formation of an economy of high wages in Russia,” Putin said.

- "Who should I contact to have my husband transferred to stormZ near Avdiivka. Anonymously, please."

- The liberators of the Russian language themselves do not know the language, as prisoners in Ukrainian captivity proved

- Putin’s “shadow fleet” is going down: tanker owners refuse to carry Russian oil due to US sanctions

Russian oil workers began to have difficulty finding tankers to carry their barrels after the United States began imposing sanctions against the Kremlin’s “shadow fleet” and launched an investigation that covered three dozen ship carriers around the world.

Oil companies that export through Baltic Sea ports cannot find ships for some of their cargoes to be shipped in November, a trader working in the region told Reuters.

According to four agency sources in the shipping industry, three large Greek tanker companies - Minerva Marine, Thenamaris and TMS Tankers - have refused to work with Russian oil. Owning a fleet of 100 tankers capable of handling almost all the exported oil from Russia's western ports of Primorsk, Ust-Luga and Novorossiysk, Greek shipping magnates have been transporting Russian barrels for decades and continued to do so even after almost all Western companies left the market.

But the US decision to impose sanctions on five tankers carrying Russian oil at prices above the $60 ceiling changed the situation. “If there is no shortage of oil tankers yet, then the oil products market has already begun to have problems with the physical availability of vessels for some dates,” a source told Reuters.

- I am an American spending Thanksgiving as a combat nurse under fire on the front in Ukraine

Photogenic of course, but please wear armor <3

- This has never happened before and here it is again

- Those who voted incorrectly will soon begin to be imprisoned.

- Such news, of course, greatly motivates Russians who have left to return

- Propanandist of Russia 1 Boris Maksudov died from a wound in the Zaporozhye region

Now he will write about Kobzon’s trips to the toilet

- A cannibal from the Sakhalin region, sentenced to 22 years, was released early and went to war in Ukraine. He is now in the hospital after being wounded. (This is the new ogre)

In 2018, Denis Gorin was sentenced to 22 years in prison for four murders. According to the court report, Gorin cut the meat from the body of one of his victims and ate it.

Now Gorin has been released and went to fight in Ukraine, reports the telegram channel “Sakhalin Against War”. Sibir.Realii, citing Gorin’s neighbor, writes that the former prisoner was wounded and is now in a hospital in Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk.

“Consider, free, pardoned, half a sentence out of the bush. But I think he won't be free for long. The relatives of his victims remember everything,” the publication’s interlocutor said.

Denis Vladimirovich Gorin, born in 1979. killed at least 4 people. In 2003, Gorin was convicted of murder and mockery of the body of the murdered man and sentenced to 10 years in prison. For exemplary behavior, Gorin was paroled and released in 2010. In June 2011, brothers Denis and Evgeny Gorin brutally beat a man. While the man lay unconscious, Evgeny Gorin finished him off with a knife. The same two killed another person in January 2012. Finally, in the summer of 2012, Gorin’s most notorious crime was revealed. Back in November 2010, he first killed a man and then cut off the meat from the corpse, which he later ate. Gorin threw the body of the murdered man into the Lyutoga River, which is why the murdered man was considered missing for a long time.

- This is a meme, serious people scroll further, others laugh

One more line is missing. I haven’t written for years because it doesn’t matter.

- About the remaining 20% of Russians who are against the war

- Wildberries now have car stickers calling for demobilization

Wildeberries began selling stickers for cars: “Bring back your husband, I’ve been playing around,” “Mobile people need demobilization,” “Bring back their father to the children!!!” For the month - from October 26 to November 26 - Yandex recorded 934 thousand requests with the words “mobilized” and “home,” anthropologist Alexandra Arkhipova cites dаta:

“As always, in a situation of danger, our brain remembers humorous memes better. After the terrible popularity of the expression Za#balasa, Wildberries began selling car stickers “Bring back your husband, I Za#balasa”, “Mobile people need demobilization.” Yes, this is the commercialization of the “weapon of the weak.” The letters Z and V are simultaneously read both as a loyal message and as a non-loyal one, literally on the verge of the possible,” Arkhipova wrote in her Telegram channel.

- When I found a bug in the system

No hands - no payouts. Let him go to the Simonyans. She will feed him.

- Two years have not passed

Wives and relatives of mobilized Russians, who are seeking the return of their loved ones from the front, published a manifesto and petition against indefinite mobilization. The text of the appeal was posted by the “Way Home” telegram channel, which unites relatives of those mobilized.

In the manifesto, the wives and relatives of those mobilized turn to Russians with a “plea for help” and complain that the state has turned its back on those who went to fight and their families.

We are betrayed and destroyed by our own people. <...> We are f*cked and you are f*cked (author's spelling preserved - note by “Medusa”). After all, all this time we were only shown lazy stability, reliability, and security. We remember how the president promised that reservists would not be called up, that tasks in the Northern Military District were performed only by professional volunteers. And then our loved ones were taken to Ukraine. The promises turned out to be empty. Many will never return. Mobilization turned out to be a terrible mistake. We were punished for our law-abiding behavior. For the majority of our men, our men pay for the screen of stability with blood, and we pay with health and tears.

The authors of the manifesto noted that “in the future no one is protected from their fate.” They called the situation in the country absurd and criticized Vladimir Putin, while expressing hope that he would “hear their aspirations.”

The 2024th president declared the year of the family. Ironic, considering that wives are howling without their husbands, children are growing up without fathers, and many are already orphans. And the cannibalistic Satanist, who committed a relapse after his first imprisonment, is released six months later, having atoned for the serial murders in the Northern Military District. Our president still has a sense of humor! <...> Apparently, our Motherland is being liberated for the cream of society: maniacs, drunks, migrants, exorbitantly rich officials and their children (why aren’t they in the trenches, by the way?)


- In November, the Russian army loses 931 soldiers at the front every day

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