Thousands of Britons admitted that they want to try sex with a robot (6 photos)

Category: Sex, PEGI 16
22 November 2023

A third of Brits would like to sleep with a sex robot, according to a recent LELO poll. We don't just mean sex dolls—sex robots are sophisticated artificial intelligence devices that can move and talk just like real people.

LELO recently conducted a survey of 4,000 UK residents asking them about their sexual habits and desires, and whether they would ever like to sleep with a sex robot. A third of Britons answered yes, or "maybe", if there was a quality robot model. We are not talking about simple sex dolls, but about robotic dolls with artificial intelligence that can conduct conversations and perform certain actions.

Almost half (43.9%) of the men surveyed said they would not mind sleeping with robots, while only 21% of the women surveyed answered in the affirmative. Yes, male robots are also being produced in full force: one of the most famous models is the sex robot Henry from the company Realbotix. The 183 cm tall droid has “superhuman sexual qualities”, can joke, greet its owner and discuss her favorite TV show or movie.

He can also tell the “hostess” compliments, read romantic poems or sing songs. Such a robot is not a cheap pleasure. Henry's cost starts from 10 thousand dollars, depending on additional options. The same company's female robot, Harmony 3.0, costs a little more at $14,550. It is equipped with internal heating, a self-lubricating nozzle and touch sensors that interact with built-in artificial intelligence.

According to Realbotix executives, sex with robots can help improve your skills in the bedroom and reduce your fear of trying new things. However, other experts have expressed concerns that sex with robots could be addictive.

"Sex with robots can be addictive. They're always available and never say no, so addiction can easily set in. And to accommodate their addictions, people often unknowingly rearrange their lives," says Joel Snell, a robotics expert. from Kirkwood College in Iowa, USA.

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Капітан Північ
Капітан Північ
13 January 2024
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