Triss rubber sex doll from The Witcher is being sold online for $2,800 (5 pics + 1 video)

Category: Sex, PEGI 18
20 July 2023
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Fans of The Witcher can rejoice. Now everyone can buy a cool rubber copy of Triss for comfort.

In the promo photos, Triss turned out to be very realistic. The doll is 168 centimeters tall and weighs at least 39 kilograms. The most the minimum complete set costs $2799.

For especially ardent fans, you can choose additional functions. For example, hair color, manicure, material for the chest and priests. Behind for an additional fee, you can even implant hair in the doll's eyebrows and other places below the waist.

Triss is dressed in a canonical costume with a huge neckline. You can undress it if you wish.

Interestingly, on a site that sells a sex doll, you can select multiple variations. For example, for $4300 you get a cool doll on a stand, in a special box, in a suit and with hair wherever you want.

For $2,800 they will bring you naked Triss without clothes, makeup, in a fake wig and in a regular box.

I think it's clear what purpose this doll was created for.

Although the manufacturer on the site states that the doll can be bought just for beauty.

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