British newspaper found out how the make of the car and the duration of sex are related (3 photos)

Category: Sex, PEGI 18, Car news
12 July 2023
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Analysts from The Sun agency conducted a survey and found out in which cars have the longest sex. For authenticity we cannot vouch for the research, but BMW owners are a little sorry.

The Sun rolled out interesting and strange statistics. Survey conducted among users of the application for dating. In the study 2,000 girls took part and shared their experiences.

According to opinion it became clear that BMW drivers love speed not only on the road, but also in bed. In turn, the owners of Volvo the most enduring lovers.

In second place are the owners of Toyota. Commentators wondered the question is, what if the driver first bought a Volvo, and then a BMW? Means Is it that the duration of sex will immediately increase several times?

Is long sex really that important?

Despite the fact that there is an opinion in society about sex giants who make love all night long, in real life life looks a little different. Let's turn to statistics. In 2017 year, the Journal of Sex & Marital Therapy conducted a study and found that in married couples, the average duration of sex is from 3 to 11 minutes. It takes about 20 minutes for a woman to reach orgasm. five minutes may be enough for a man. During the study women said that long sex is useless, but the duration foreplay can be increased. Dr. Mintz remarks that this has a much stronger effect on a quality orgasm than a few minutes penetration.

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