russian invasion of Ukraine. Chronicle for November 16-17

Category: Summary, PEGI 16
18 November 2023

In the early morning of February 24, 2022, Russia launched missile attacks on Ukrainian territory and launched a direct, full-scale invasion. The Ukrainian Armed Forces repel the enemy

- Rusnya writes, very alarmingly

-The United States and its allies need to say goodbye to the “magic belief” to Russia's defeat in Ukraine and instead move to a long-term strategy of “containment.”

This opinion was expressed by former national intelligence officer for Russia and Eurasia of the US National Intelligence Council Eugene Rumer and representative of the administration of former US Presidents George W. Bush and Bill Clinton Andrew Weiss in a column for The Wall Street Journal.

- Zelensky said that Russia is preparing a campaign to destabilize Ukraine called “Maidan-3”.

According to Zelensky, Ukrainian intelligence has information about the preparation of such a campaign.

The President added that the Russian Federation is trying to create chaos in Ukraine, aimed at splitting society and, ultimately, overthrowing the President.

«Maidan is for them— this is a coup d’etat, so the operation is clear,” — Zelensky said.

He added that Ukraine will not agree with the option of freezing the conflict or a similar situation.

- New Ukrainian kamikaze UAV: Morok

Range: 800 km

Unit cost: 1.75 million UAH.

Warhead: 30 kg.

- Apple will suspend advertising on X after Elon Musk supported “anti-Semitic” fast.

After a couple of hours

IBM and the EU withdrew advertising from Elon Musk's X after Musk, along with Apple, approved the "anti-Semitic" fast.

After another couple of hours



-European Commission

- Lionsgate


- Warner Brothers

- Tennis player Elina Svitolina met with servicemen of the “Charter” brigade

“From the first days of a full-scale war, I have been supporting a volunteer unit, and now the 13th Brigade of the National Guard of Ukraine “Charter”. I urge everyone not to stop and support those who protect us! Only together we can win. Glory to Ukraine".

- Having invaded Ukraine, they wanted “smaller” routes. NATO, but will only get “more” NATO, – Stoltenberg.

▪️The difficult situation on the battlefield is not a reason to abandon Ukraine; on the contrary, it should increase support. I am confident that the US will continue to help Ukraine;

▪️It is essential that all allies adhere to the commitments made at the Vilnius summit.

- Next year all the money from the roads will be spent on defense and the Armed Forces of Ukraine, – Minister of Finance.

Finally, victory first

- The Ukrainian Armed Forces launched local attacks south of Bakhmut and achieved confirmed territorial successes, - ISW, situation at the front.

▪️Ukrainian troops advanced southeast of Toretsk (23 km southwest of Bakhmut).

▪️Russian Federation conducted unsuccessful attacks in the Marinka area (on the western outskirts of the city of Donetsk) and in the Novomikhailovka area (10 km southwest of the city of Donetsk).

▪️AFU carried out attacks from the center of Krynoki and also attacked near Poima and Peschanivka

- The Ukrainian Armed Forces are advancing in the Zaporozhye region: Rabotino has confirmed achievements, - ISW, the situation at the front.

▪️Ukrainian troops repelled Russian attacks in the area of Sinkovka (9 km northeast of Kupyansk), Petropavlovka (7 km east of Kupyansk), Ivanovka and Nadiya (16 km west of Svatovo).

▪️The Ukrainian Armed Forces continued assault operations south of Bakhmut.

▪️Ukrainian forces launched an offensive on the border of Donetsk and Zaporozhyey areas and have achieved proven success.

- Russet-haired blogger Hasbik called for a boycott of American brands.

And now attention to the second photo

- 6 dead and 10 wounded in the Kherson region in a day, - chairman of the OVA.

Animals fire at civilians with all types of weapons

- Biden signed a bill to finance the work of the US government without the help of Ukraine – The White house.

But the US House of Representatives intends to separately consider the president's request for financial assistance to Ukraine after Thanksgiving, which is celebrated on November 23 this year.

- Winter will be hard, – Zelensky.

«The occupiers are stockpiling missiles for strikes. But from an air defense point of view, we are in a better position than last winter.”

- Those who are trying to avoid mobilization – 1-5%, they are definitely not critical for the defense of Ukraine, – Venislavsky.

▪️I am convinced that the resilience and willingness of Ukrainians to defend their independence, sovereignty and freedom is 95-99%;

▪️There are no plans for a radical increase in the number of persons subject to mobilization.

- Two men were detained at the border who wanted to swim to Romania

- In Ukraine, the situation with the Hungarian language is worse than under the USSR, says Orban.

"I am not exaggerating when I say that the situation with the Hungarian language and education during the Soviet Union was better than it is now under the Ukrainian state."

He also accused Ukraine of “continuing to punish Transcarpathians”, despite the war.

- 10 largest donors in Ukraine

The European Union's decision to begin membership talks with Ukraine next month is "in jeopardy," and the bloc has no agreement to provide Kiev with another 50 billion euros ($54 billion) in aid, Reuters reports.

Judging by regular assurances that the EU will support Ukraine “as long as it takes,” the official said the bloc’s latest discussions about continued support for Kiev were a “reality check.”

“The leaders... understood that it was quite expensive,” said the official, who is involved in preparations for the December 14-15 summit of national leaders of the 27 EU member states in Brussels. “How are we going to pay for this?”

The proposal by the bloc's executive branch of the European Commission to revise the bloc's long-term budget with the allocation of another 50 billion euros to Ukraine until 2027 has been criticized from several sides, the official said.

"We cannot allow Ukraine to go bankrupt, this is not our option. But it is not easy," the official said.

-Russia was expelled from the UNESCO Executive Board for the first time in history, - Zelensky.

The era of Russian influence is over, and rightly so: Russian terrorists have no place at the head of significant international organizations

- Farion does not give up

She stated that she was going to sue the Lviv Polytechnic over illegal dismissal.

- In Chernigov, a priest of the UOC MP bit a military man

News of the day.

- Part of a five-story building fell in Astrakhan, Russia

Russian barracks don't even need rockets: the house collapsed on its own, from old age.

- The biggest danger to the world in 2024 according to The Economist

- Switzerland supported the creation of a special tribunal for Russia, - Swiss Foreign Ministry.

The authorities claim that aggression against Ukraine cannot go unpunished.

- The Ukrainian Armed Forces have officially confirmed that they have secured a foothold on the bridgeheads on the left bank of the Dnieper

- Demand for brides with disabilities is growing in Ukraine, - DPSU.

A woman from the Odessa region was looking for disabled women for men who want to go abroad, accompanying their sick wives. This marriage cost $4,500.

- Oh, what happened?

- Residents of Russian Smolensk are panicking and talking about explosions in the area of the aircraft plant

- Finland is preparing to completely close its borders with Russia tonight

- Estonia has installed anti-tank barriers on the border with Russia

- Ukraine is “re-educating” Russian prisoners of war in their “prisons”, - The Times.

▪️Prisoners are woken up at 6 am, including the Ukrainian anthem through a loudspeaker.

▪️On the way to the dining room, the occupiers pass along the alley with photographs of Stepan Bandera and Taras Shevchenko.

▪️After breakfast there is a minute of silence in memory of those killed as a result of the Russian invasion.

▪️Prisoners of war are also given a course in Ukrainian history to prove that Ukraine is truly an independent state.

- The State Duma of the Russian Federation proposed to release female prisoners from prison so that they could conceive a child, reports RosSMI.

LDPR deputy Valery Seleznev proposed “giving leave” to women convicted of minor crimes so that they give birth to a child, after which, if they succeed in giving birth, the remainder of the sentence is canceled.

Solving demographic problems

- Destroyed Russian air defense system "Tor-M2" in Donetsk region

- Current situation on the Finnish border. Finnish authorities have decided to close the entire border with Russia to crossing by bicycle due to the influx of illegal migrants. Local residents call what is happening a hybrid war.

- Israeli fighter before entering Gaza

- Did the head of Komi put a swastika on his cart, or can he also explain himself?

- Whoever does not understand Don will understand Don

- If children ask me why study well, I’ll show them this

- "Soyuzmultfilm" vs "The Walt Disney Company"

- You can’t let things take their course; officials need to personally handle the fertilization. It is better to have children earlier, so from the age of 14, girls must be brought to the bathhouse at the administration by appointment.

- New painting by Semyon Skrepetsky “Kosh”Mar Petrovich." NATO soldiers attacked and plundered Russia, taking a wooden toilet to damned America.

- Artist Sasha Skochilenko was sentenced to 7 years for replacing price tags in stores with anti-war ones.

- War fatigue in the Russian Federation is growing, and there are more supporters of peace.

- Architectural design in the Russian Federation

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