Mesmerizing photographs from the new book of the legendary Steve McCurry (15 photos)

25 October 2023

One of the greatest photographers of our time, Steve McCurry, explores human spirituality in all its amazing diversity and beauty in his new book, Devotion. McCurry, whose work is frequently published in National Geographic, gained fame with his 1984 photograph of "Afghan Girl." During the Afghan war, Sharbat Gula lived in a Pakistani refugee camp, where she was met by a photographer.

Left: Grandfather carrying his grandson on his back, Tokyo, Japan, 1985. Right: A man meditates in front of the Sule Pagoda in Yangon, Myanmar's largest city, 1994.

Over the next 40 years, the American traveled the world with a camera, documenting impressive scenes in various parts of the world. Among the works included in the book "Devotion" (translated as "devotion") is a poignant photograph of a woman caring for her sick nephew, a touching image of a widow at her husband's tombstone, and a serene photograph of meditation on the banks of the Ganges River.

Elephants and mahouts (people caring for elephants) in Chiang Mai Nature Reserve, Thailand, 2010

In Kabul, Afghanistan, a man hugs a dog next to his taxi, which was destroyed by shelling of a nearby building, 1992.

A nurse checks the health of a homeless man in Los Angeles, California

Aunt takes care of nephew, Vietnam, 2007

A woman cleans her husband's grave in East Germany in 1989

An elderly couple goes to the Sanctuary in Lourdes, France, 1988

The photographer notes that the couple walked against the background of a word, which was a metaphor for their relationship. Alliance - "union".

Monks at the Shaolin Martial Arts School in Zhengzhou, China, 204

A woman carrying a load walks past hundreds of men praying at the Bandra railway station in Mumbai, India, 1996.

Firefighter at the scene of the terrorist attacks in New York on September 11, 2001

A man prays at the site of a temple that was washed away by the tsunami, Kathaluwe, Sri Lanka, 2004.

Caring for a baby born prematurely in a hospital in Jaipur, India, 2008

A woman surrounded by dogs does morning meditation on the banks of the Ganges River in Varanasi, India, 2010.

An elderly couple returns home after working in the corn fields in Gostivar, Macedonia, 1989.

The cover of the book "Devotion" features a photograph from 1994: monks making a pilgrimage to Chaittiyo Pagoda in Myanmar

The Buddhist shrine sits on top of a granite stone covered in gold leaf.

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