30 moral monsters and boors whom it is unclear how the earth bears (31 photos)

4 October 2023

Some people behave completely like pigs and there is no control over them. All that remains is to complain to Sportloto - that is, talk about what bastards they are on the Internet. Let's sympathize with those who encountered pig people and almost lost faith in humanity.

1. “People who take a package of chicken from the refrigerated display case and leave it to spoil in another section are assholes.”

2. “Dear thief who stole lasagna. Just so you know, they gave it to me to support me because my mom died. Happy New Year to you"

3. “I don’t understand why people can’t just take their trash with them. Especially in the reserve"

4. “That guy sitting in front of me in the movie theater is an asshole. His phone was on maximum brightness all the time."

5. “I woke up and saw that my parents had removed the door to my room. I asked them: “Why?” and they answered: “Why do you need to be alone?”

6. “The picture was taken at three in the morning. A neighbor installed a floodlight that illuminates my house (including my bedroom) from seven in the evening to seven in the morning."

7. “You may not believe this, but this is what the cabin looks like after an Air Algiers flight from Montreal to Algiers.”

8. “Amazon delivery service said the item was delivered 2 weeks ago. It was not possible to find him, but then the snow finally melted a little. The parcel was located about a kilometer from my house."

9. “Tip the waiter generously... You’ve been scammed!”

10. “The suitcase came back to me like this after the flight.”

11. “Why are people such pigs? The trash can is two steps away.”

12. “We went to a Beyoncé concert at the stadium, and some lady blocked our view of the stage... We asked her to remove her umbrella, but she refused.”

13. “I fenced myself off from my quarrelsome neighbor with a 2-meter fence. He raised it from his side by half a meter and placed a video surveillance camera on top overlooking my site.”

14. “Why has it now become common to speak loudly via video or speakerphone in public places?”

15. “I allowed a friend to stay in my apartment for two days while I was away. When I gave her the keys, it was clean and tidy.”

“And this is the picture I found in my living room when I returned home. The items in the boxes and bags are from my kitchen and bedroom. Why are they packed?

16. “How the policeman who lives in our house parks every day.”

17. “We came to the cinema. These were our places. I had to look for others"

18. “Someone broke into our mobile home and stole the gifts I had prepared for my children. One is three years old, the other is five years old.”

19. “I arrived at the wedding celebration early on purpose and found a place where everything was clearly visible. A few minutes before the ceremony began, this lady sat down in front of me.”


“She didn’t care at all that the fan was blocking the view of everyone sitting behind her.”

20. "Stealing catalytic converters in broad daylight"

21. “Someone is stealing pieces of rolled lawn from an area that is being landscaped in our area.”

22. “This man has a three-car garage and a large driveway, but he parks on the sidewalk.”

23. “These people occupied the main observation deck, settling there for the whole day. Because of them, others lost the opportunity to admire the views and take beautiful photographs.”

24. “Someone keeps using my bike basket as a trash can.”

25. “My roommate wrecked my car when she borrowed it to drive to work. And she refuses to pay for repairs if I refuse to give her a car in the future."

26. “Someone left the store wearing new shoes, leaving an identical, worn pair in return.”

27. “Why do people think this is normal?”

28. “Someone crashed into our wall and drove away last night.”

29. “This guy refused to take his hat off.”

30. “This is a complete misunderstanding of how Tesla charging stations work.”

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