“Please delete the video”: a woman caught her husband watching porn, found the same actress online and complained to her about her husband (4 photos)

Category: Sex, PEGI 18
1 October 2023
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Porn actress Yasmina Khan shared a funny story with her subscribers. It turns out that this happens too.

Many women are completely calm about their husbands' passion for porn. Some even watch videos with their spouse during sex and see nothing wrong with it. And there are those who are jealous of their faithful ones towards porn actresses, and, of course, it looks ridiculous.

Yasmina Khan shared an interesting situation with her subscribers: a woman wrote to her on social networks, whose husband masturbated to a video featuring an adult actress. What she saw greatly upset the lady and she first turned to Khan with a complaint, and then with a request:

“Why are you posting twerking videos? I caught my husband masturbating to your videos. It is not right! Please delete your videos,” wrote a user with the nickname GwGwAri.

It is unlikely that Yasmin met the offended lady halfway, because these videos are her way of earning money. By the way, not so small - a year a worker on the sexual front “raises” about 300 thousand dollars. The main part of the income is erotic content, during which Khan fulfills the requests of fans for money. Some men do not limit themselves to watching twerking, but ask to send the porn actress their worn underwear. And, of course, she doesn’t refuse.

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Stupid girl
Stupid girl
29 August 2024
Stupid girl
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