An American woman had all her limbs amputated after eating contaminated fish (5 photos)

Category: Health, PEGI 16
19 September 2023

The woman just bought and ate sea fish, but it turned out that it was filled with dangerous bacteria.

A 40-year-old Californian woman bought tilapia and cooked it her for dinner. After some time the woman felt ill and ended up in a hospital bed.

It turned out that the fish purchased at the market in San Jose was infected with the dangerous bacterium Vibrio vulnificus, which lives in raw seafood and sea water.

The bacterium is quite tenacious and can be infected by eating something bad. fried/cooked fish. The microorganism can also enter the blood through a cut or scratch on human skin.

As a result of the infection, Laura Barajes' kidneys failed and sepsis began. “Her fingers and toes and lips turned black,” says a close friend of the patient. To save a woman's life, doctors had to amputate all the American woman’s limbs. Victim has been in the hospital for several months, and her family doesn't know why prepare.

Approximately 150 to 200 cases are reported annually Vibro vulnificus infection. Approximately one in five of those infected dies. The bacterium is found exclusively in warm seas, and the danger represent both seafood consumed raw (mussels, etc.) and swimming in contaminated water if there are wounds and fresh wounds on the person’s body cuts.

As for tilapia, this fish grows quickly and readily reproduces and is undemanding to living conditions. Where more the whimsical fish will die, the tilapia will survive and repeatedly give offspring. The problem is that tilapia can harmful substances present in wastewater accumulate. For fish they do not pose a problem, but for humans they carry a lot troubles. In addition, tilapia can be affected by various harmful microorganisms, and given that a representative of the family Cichlids, like a real water vacuum cleaner, eat everything (including organic waste containing hormones and antibiotics), you can only imagine what ends up on a person’s table.

However, fish are still caught and sold, and they are willing to buy it because the product is cheap.

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