TOP 10 best villains in cinema (10 photos)

Category: Movie, PEGI 0+
14 September 2023

Not long ago we did a post about actors who won love viewers and critics with villainous roles. Of course, in the history of cinema there is a huge number of incredibly charming villains. And take away the 10 the best - this is an impossible and even stupid task. But on social networks it’s all the same they like to conduct their own local polls and compile ratings. Yes, there are classic "titans of villainy" like Darth Vader, Voldemort, Sauron, as a rule, they are not taken into account. Let's look at another one ten notorious scoundrels who were especially remembered by simple to the spectators.

Sister Mildred Ratched

In the 1975 film One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest, the role of the cruel the nurse was performed by Louise Fletcher, for which she received more than one award, including the Oscars. Her image turned out to be so productive that in 2020 year they filmed a fairly successful TV series “Ratched” starring Sarah Paulson roles.


The smartest man on Earth was played by Matthew Goode in Zack Snyder's Watchmen (2009).

Boyd Crowder

Walton Goggins plays the role of Boyd Crowder in the series "Justice" (2010-2015). His acting was nominated for Emmy Award for Best Supporting Actor in 2011.

Dolores Umbridge

Imelda Staunton played the hated headmistress, who first appeared in Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix (2007).

The thing is, she's a real, everyday character. life. You won't meet Darth Vader, Sauron, but chances are... you've met someone like Umbridge before.


David Tennant, known for his role as Doctor Who, played the cunning villain in the fantasy series “Jessica Jones” (2015 – 2019).

Mary Delphine LaLaurie

For the role of Madame LaLaurie, one of the most brutal female killers in American history, Kathy Bates in the series "American Horror Story: Sabbat (2013) received an Emmy in the category “Best Actress in a Second Role.” plan in a mini-series or film."

Hans Landa

Christoph Waltz played the role of "Jew Hunter" in the film Quentin Tarantino's Inglourious Basterds (2009), for which he won an Oscar, Golden Globe and British Academy Award for Best Actor background.

Playing both an extremely racist military officer and a completely not a racist bounty hunter, and it's ideal to play both, it was very impressive.

Gustavo "Gus" Fring

Gustavo "Gus" Fring - antagonist of the TV series Breaking Bad (2008-2013), performed by Giancarlo Esposito. For this role he repeatedly nominated for various film awards.

As Gus, he has an amazing ability to go from friendly, soft, and at times even warm to the icy cold.

Benjamin Linus

Benjamin is the main antagonist of the TV series Lost. (2004-2010) performed by Michael Emerson. For this role he received an Emmy and has been nominated for other film awards more than once.

You will love and hate him at the same time.


It is possible to feel only hatred for this character in tights, but Only great acting can bring you to such feelings. Anthony Starr did a great job with her in the series “The Boys” (2019-...).

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