The culprit, as always, is climate change.
In the capital of France, the so-called tiger mosquitoes. These squeaking bloodsuckers are dangerous because they are carriers of the Zika virus, dengue fever and chikungunya.
If earlier tiger mosquitoes were nightmares only for the countries of Southeast Asia, now they have reached Europe.
The authorities of Paris gave the green light to the mass fumigation of the city. Were roads were blocked, and citizens were strongly advised not to leave their homes while workers sprayed the poison around the neighborhood.
Health experts say dangerous mosquitoes have flourished in Europe in part because of climate change: more warm weather shortens the incubation period for their eggs, and winters not cold enough to kill pests.
According to the Ministry of Health, for the first time in France they were noticed in 2004, they are currently present in 71 out of 96 departments, even in areas close to the northern coast of the English Channel.