“Fu, beach whale!”: a large girl urges not to be shy to wear a bikini (7 photos)

Category: Fashion, PEGI 18
7 August 2023
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Almost 300 thousand people subscribed to it in social networks. Despite on popularity, the blogger regularly faces negative comments.

Alex Aspasia is a plus-size model. She used to endure people around, and in particular men, were ashamed of her. She couldn't stay unnoticed. On the beach, she constantly listened to offensive phrases: "The whale is on beach!"

She was tired of enduring negativity in her address, constantly to be shy, and she decided to show her body to the whole world, show your size. Alex and other large women advises never give up a bikini!

"Men often wanted to hide me from their friends. When we walked down the street together, they didn't hold my hand. Such behavior made me feel unworthy," the girl admits.

At some point, she decided that she no longer wanted to be unworthy. And Matthew came into her life. In 2019 they met in dating app, quickly found a common language, and got married in 2022.

Matthew is smaller than the chosen one, and people continue to write negative couple's comments. "Yes, you will break his legs", "You are fat and not you deserve love!"

But no matter how evil people are, Alex and her husband are happy. They publish joint frames and videos in which they openly express feelings for each other.

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