An employee of the store with an epic throw laid a visitor to the shopping center in Voronezh on the floor

Category: Eyewitness, PEGI 16
4 August 2023

What exactly happened between the women is unclear.

An epic brawl between a store employee and a visitor took place in the Armada shopping center in Voronezh. Witnesses shared the video on social media.

The footage shows how the worker holds the woman from behind by the neck, and then knocks her to the floor, where she begins to beat the visitor with her own bag. Then the guards appear in the frame, one of which effectively "rolls up" to the participants in the brawl and separates them. As a result, the women, along with the security staff, leave to watch CCTV cameras to find out what really happened.

What exactly happened between the women is not clear, but from the dialogue it can be assumed that the shop visitor allegedly poured water on the workers, which most likely caused the skirmish.

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