More than 50 dolphins washed ashore in Australia (2 photos + 1 video)

Category: Animals, PEGI 16
27 July 2023

July 25, a flock of pilot whales (round-headed or black dolphin) from 60-70 individuals washed ashore. Locals, passers-by and rescuers trying to save the survivors.

In Western Australia 150 meters from the beach noticed about a hundred round-headed dolphins, which are also called grind. At first, the dolphins swam along the shore, and then they began thrown onto land, TASS reports, citing the local service for the protection of parks and wildlife.

51 dolphins died on the beach. Experts and volunteers have set up camp on Chains Beach and are trying to save 46 more individuals.

Why do dolphins wash up on shore?

About 2,000 dolphins are thrown ashore every year. Sometimes they do it singly, and sometimes in whole groups. Scientists are still do not know the exact reason why this is happening. Alexander Agafonov, Researcher, Marine Mammals Laboratory of the Institute Oceanology RAS, spoke about possible causes.

The release occurs with those dolphins that live in the sea away from the coast. There have never been cases of massive releases of species, who live along the coastline. Apparently it has something to do with them. orientation in space using echolocation. That is, they publish water, ultrasounds and reflected echo are guided, which means which objects are located - where is the shore, where are the fish, and so on. For marine species perhaps this occurs near the shore, where shallow water, turbulent sand or silt. Their echolocators are not accustomed to such conditions and work. Another version is that they have some kind of illness, hearing aid related. Accordingly, the animal becomes, roughly speaking, blind and deaf - in the acoustic sense.

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