An effective prison through a philosophical prism (7 photos)

12 July 2023

The famous British pedantry in this man embodied in full. On the one hand, clever, philosopher, jurist, sociologist, women's and animal rights activist and Oxford graduate Jeremiah Bentham (1748-1832) did deal with these issues. On the other hand, in his bright head came up with the idea of ​​creating an ideal prison. After all, this such a blessing to society.

The Englishman set out his fabrications on this subject in treatise of 1791, which gave a detailed description of the principles of construction any institution where supervision is implied. Starting from the workhouse and hospital and ending with a school and a hospital for the insane.

Ideal institution according to Bertam

Jeremy Bentham

Panopticon (from the Greek "everything is visible") is a philosopher's project on arrangement of ideal casemates proceeded from the fact that the output should was not punished, but a re-educated person.

But, it must be said, Jeremiah gave the concept only final look. The main idea belonged to his younger brother Samuel, who, at the invitation of Prince Potemkin, worked on the project of his estate, and at the same time an innovative factory building. Samuel was a talented engineer and even took part in the implementation project called "Potemkin villages".

Plan of the Panopticon, 1791

Sam told his visiting brother about his idea - setting up the factory so that workshops and barracks located around the observation tower, which should be manager of work and keep order.

Jeremiah took this project as the basis for his ideal prison. And with enthusiasm he set about implementing it, returning to England. Yes not just like that, but having previously prepared the legal framework. He prepared code of laws, and in the treatise on the Panopticon he gave a detailed description in general everything - starting with the rules of the conclusion (and it should have been exclusively solitary, in order to avoid riots and conspiracies) and completing food and leisure rules.

The prisoners were to be placed in barred or glazed cages for maximum visibility. A the observation post in the center should have been equipped with light. So he blinded the prisoners and prevented them from seeing the actions of the guards. Moreover, such The system allowed significant savings in personnel costs. Why in vain squander the state treasury?

Former prison Presidio Modelo in Cuba

Bertam's contemporaries were impressed by the Panopticon. Somebody supported the idea, others criticized. Philosopher's ideas embodied on paper professional architect Willie Revly. Their implementation in practice Bentham did not see - he died in 1832. But correctional facilities according to the plan of the Panopticon were built. Not only in London, but also in other countries - Italy, the Netherlands, Australia, the States. From principle centricity was repelled by the creators of almost all penitentiary establishments representing the system of the world of a new order. Wherein society prevailed over the individual.

And the ideologist himself observes the results of his developments, seated at the College of London as an exhibit. The author of the Panopticon bequeathed make a stuffed animal out of your body, and Bentham's last will was fulfilled.

13 July 2023
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