The bloody dragon who migrated from exotic islands to our apartments (6 photos)

Category: Nature, PEGI 0+
3 July 2023

If the word begins with "dra", then with a high degree of probability we are talking about a powerful mythical creature - a dragon. It's a "dra" from the world flora. But it is also closely related to dragons.

Because the dracaena, which grows in the South and Southeast Asia, also called the dragon tree. And the title appeared due to one feature of this tree: if you damage the bark and trunk, then a thick liquid will begin to ooze from the inside. Of course it's not real blood, but juice resembling resin. But it looks very realistic. And the reason for such an impressive color is a common process. oxidation with the participation of oxygen contained in the air. Responsible for him and special pigments dracorubin and dracocarmine.


When solidified, tree sap becomes thick, dense and looks like glass. This substance has healing properties. And also residents of the islands of Tenerife and Socotra, where the dragon tree is very revered and is a symbol, for a long time it was used as one of the the main exported products - it makes an excellent a dye used in the manufacture of varnishes and paints.

In ancient times, resin was used for embalming, during performing religious rituals. And, of course, in medicine: they treated with "blood" infections, wounds and tumors. Yes, and now they are being treated, because half-tree-half-animal (in Dahl's dictionary to designate it, even the word there is a special one - “dragon”) really strong natural antioxidant, has wound healing and antibacterial properties and beneficial effect on the skin.

Of course, there was a beautiful legend explaining unusual properties of dracaena. In accordance with it, as they say residents of Socotra, a terrible dragon once flew to the island. And chose itself as a source of nourishment for the sacred elephants. deal with a monster who for a long time drank the blood of noble giants, no one could. And the bloody feasts would have continued to this day, if not for the occasion. One huge, exhausted elephant fell on the dragon and crushed it. And on the place where the blood of two giants mixed, this tree grew.

By the way, in translation from Latin, Dracāena is a female dragon. So the monster could very well be a representative beautiful half of winged kites.

And the little "dragons" - the descendants of the same the legendary monster can be found in any apartment or office. Since dracaena is a popular houseplant, valued for its modest aesthetics and unpretentiousness. With proper care, perhaps years after 50 it will turn into a source of dragon "blood". But usually before such tasks are not worth a decorative tree: it is simply beautiful in moment.

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