30 cool vintage finds from second-hand and commission shops (31 photos)

23 June 2023

Few things compare to the euphoria you feel when you find among the mountains of rubbish, a real treasure at the same criminally low price. Of course, this activity is not for everyone, but its growing popularity contributes to the emergence of more and more online communities where vintage fans proudly display their finds.

1. "I got a 1924 wedding dress on sale and I'm in love."

2. "I finally got to wear this beautiful 1950s Ceil Chapman dress - it's the jewel of my collection!"

3. “I suffer from depression, and when I feel bad, I try to raise yourself mood good clothes. Today I put on this suit from second hand just to go get milk"

4. "I love stripes"

5. “My 1940s Red Cross uniform + nurse cape”

5. “I'm going out this Saturday in my tuxedo. What do you think?"

7. "Weather for the Cape"

8. “On the left is a photo of my great-grandmother in her “riding outfit”. roller skates”, which she herself sewed and embroidered at school. Right I'm in the same Dressed 70+ years later"

9. "My tea party outfit"

10. “The 50s style dress I made for my last dance at school.”

11. "The Style of Jacqueline Kennedy and Wednesday Addams"

12. “Everything is vintage, except for the boots. Still on the lookout for the yellow handbag, but making do with what we have.”

13. “Yesterday I wore a stunning 60s dress.”

14. "My swimsuit is 1950s style"

9. “Very vintage outfit. Did I manage?"

16. "What would you call this style?"

17. "The suit I wore to Vintage Weekend"

18. “I found this stunning vintage dress for only $6.99 at my local thrift store!”

19. “Claudia Cape and Dress – Vintage 1950s Style Outfit”

20. “Here’s another 70s style flared jumpsuit. It's nice to share outfits with people who appreciate vintage!”

21. "My boots have arrived!"

22. “Recently bought these fancy 70s Frye boots and they frame my tattoos so well!”

23. "Blue vintage dress with pearl buttons"

24. “This is my vintage 1960s beaded wedding dress. years, I bought it three years ago at a thrift store. I was told, it belongslo some "Canadian celebrity" "

25. “This year I used a vintage Gunne Sax dress for my Halloween look.”

26. "60s style party for my 18th birthday"

27. “Vintage Gunne Sax dress I wore to my wedding; it was my dream dress"

28. “My prom look inspired by Marilyn Monroe”

29. “I went to a vintage car show.”

30. “Found this stunning wedding dress at a local thrift store.”

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