Chinese motorhome for 50 thousand dollars (11 photos)

Category: Car news, PEGI 0+
23 June 2023

The Chinese company Changan began selling a new car under called Fengjing RV, which is a house on wheels. The platform was a Lantop pickup truck. Price in China starts at 329 800 yuan or 50 thousand dollars.

The Lantop pickup as such is sold in China with a four-door cabin, but for the camper it was halved. At the same time, the design of the front truck parts with a massive radiator grille and characteristic optics saved unchanged.

The living unit has a dining area with a table and four seating, full kitchen with sink, plenty of storage and a bathroom where you can take a shower. The double bed is located in superstructure above the cab.

The power unit of the camper is the same as that of the pickup truck. This 2-liter turbo engine with 233 hp. with., which works with 8-band automatic. Fengjing RV is equipped with a hard-wired all-wheel drive with locking rear differential. Thus, the camper is quite suitable for traveling in conditions of complete absence asphalt.

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