Kemper broke the frame of the Ram pickup in half, and now the dealer refuses to reimburse the cost of repairs (3 photos)

Category: Car crashes, PEGI 0+
15 January 2023

This RAM 3500 was unable to cope with the mass loaded camper Eagle Cap. As a result of a broken frame, the owner did not suffer any injuries, but his wallet will now become thinner.

While traveling with American Mike Pavel in his pickup truck Ram 3500 frame broke in half. The dealer believes that the fault was overload due to the camper installed in the back, and refuses to free repair.

The Eagle Cap camper has been fitted to the Ram since purchase in 2020 year. Since then, the owner has driven over 40,000 kilometers, and no there were no problems with the car. The combination of the model of the car and the motorhome called optimal and the dealer who sold the pickup truck.

The frame broke on a long trip. In the nearest auto repair shop managed to align and weld the patches so that the owner could drive to at home. The camper had to be removed and temporarily left in the service.

The official carrying capacity of the Ram 3500 is just over 3.5 tons. Wherein an empty camper weighs less than 2.3 tons. Therefore, the car had a margin of weight. However, it was the overload that the dealer explained the breakdown and refused to warranty repair.

The repair cost is tentatively estimated at $17,000. The owner intends to still achieve repair under warranty.

15 January 2023
"Официальная грузоподъёмность Ram 3500 чуть больше 3,5 тонны."
У Рэма модель это грузоподъёмность в фунтах,то есть 3500 фунтов,это 1587кг.
18 January 2023
Рэмовод, Да и как бы грузоподъемность в кузове, а не на крыше, капоте или заднем бампере. Метровый задний свес кэмпера + ещё техника на фаркопе.
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