Why Australia is considered the home of all the most dangerous (8 photos)

12 June 2023

Snakes in toilet bowls, spiders in bedrooms, some huge insects - and all this is trying to kill. How fair is the reputation Australia?

The fact that in the "country upside down" all the most terrible and dangerous creatures of the planet - a stereotype known to all. But in fact In fact, there are fewer species of various poisonous animals in Australia than in a number of other tropical countries.

There are 120 species of snakes on the continent and only 27 of them are the owners of deadly toxins. Every year from them two or three people die. There are 370 species of snakes in Brazil (there is even an island Keimada Grande, inhabited exclusively by snakes), in the Congo there are generally more 400, in China about 200. From 57 to 90 species of creepers are recognized as poisonous reptiles.

Snake bites are most common in Southeast Asia, where every year the number of those bitten approaches a million. And 15 thousand bites end in death.

And in all countries south of the Sahara, up to 32,000 people die every year!

Taipan McCoy

But notoriety haunts Australia for a reason. She is included in the habitat of the most poisonous animals on the planet and occupies places of honor in a variety of ratings about dangerous nature.

Taipan McCoy's Australian snake is the most venomous land snake. snake in the world. And the winner among arthropods was the Sydney leucoweb spider. Among the fish on the continent has become the most dangerous white shark. And these are just the biggest ones.


There is also the most poisonous fish in the world - the wart. Is it true, it is found not only in Australian waters, but in general throughout the Pacific ocean.

sea wasp

The sea wasp jellyfish, whose venom is the deadliest on the planet, is also found in Indonesia.

And cone clams and blue-ringed octopuses too very unfriendly and every year they kill 4-5 people in the global statistics. As Australians, taught by bitter experience, they try do not walk or swim where all these monsters live.

But such accidents involving the most poisonous and dangerous jellyfish, fish and snakes, no more than 10-15 people die per year, while in the same Africa, crocodiles devour much more people.

Adelaide wildlife rescuer Simon Adamczyk holding a koala whom he saved in the burning forest at Cape Borda on Kangaroo Island, Australia, 7 January 2020. The number of animals that died in these large-scale fires, exceeded a billion.

So why then did Australia become the most "poisonous" continent?

Yes, simply because there is practically no other news from there. No civil wars, no rallies, epidemics, but natural there are very few disasters. The last big news about Australia was about fires of 2019.

Since good news is usually of little interest to anyone, the media writes mostly about some creepy spider crawling into the house and other rare animals.

A typical Australian suburban morning

By the way, another feature of Australia is that its territory quite sparsely populated and 90% of the population lives either on the coasts or in large cities. The fauna happily lives even in cities, not to mention perishing about suburbs or villages.

But quokkas live there!

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