Canadian woman filmed two witches eating deer carcass in her garden (4 pics)

Category: Terrible, PEGI 16
12 June 2023

No, this is not a new part of the Blair Witch Project. Pretty creepy story happened to the Canadian Corinea Stanhope. One day she rode her horse and noticed the body of a dead deer in her garden. She decided set up a camera to try and capture the predators that come to feast on the meat of the animal. Scavengers in the end really came. But these were not wild animals, writes Thaiger.

Checking the footage the next day, Corinea saw a truly eerie picture. Two half-naked and very sinister women visited the garden at night Stanhope and began to eat the rotting deer flesh. The Canadian posted a video to Networks and social networks suggested that these were local witches. How said the woman, she was especially frightened by the fact that this dark "ritual" happened just two minutes from her house.

“A lot of people have mentioned werewolves and wendigo. They walk in the city rumors of a cult collecting animal bones. I don't know if this is real or No. Some people mentioned this after I posted photos. A friend of mine said that they ran into two people in forest that carried dead squirrels. Horses are always very scared and nervous in this area. At first I thought they were something imagining, so I didn't pay attention to it. Perhaps now I I believe,” said Corinea Stanhope.

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