Strong and independent: In Obninsk, a woman kept a hundred cats in a one-room apartment (6 photos + 4 videos)

Category: Animals, PEGI 16
25 January 2023

A crazy incident happened in Obninsk. One strange woman I decided to get myself a whole hundred cats. Attention: in a one-room apartment. Naturally, there is no smell of adequacy here, but for that cat urine literally flowed down to the neighbors. All your need unfortunate the animals celebrated on diapers scattered around the apartment. Mad the cat lady was also in no hurry to feed them on time, so it’s scary imagine what a terrible trap the poor cats fell into. And in such In captivity, the seals lived for two whole years.

"We are familiar with the owner of the apartment. She used to visit us sometimes came to treat cats, but no one ever guessed how much animals lives in her apartment. By court order, after the demand of the neighbors, The apartment was opened and cats were found there in huge numbers. They live there two years, cat litter is scattered on the floor in the toilet, which is on everyone, of course, is not enough, there is a terrible stench everywhere," the employee said. local veterinary media.

As a result, about 20 cats went to local shelters, and the rest Volunteers hope to attach soon. They have work to do difficult, because there is still a lot left. All fluffy prisoners will be treated, sterilized and castrated.

1 comment
26 January 2023
531 comment
Е6@нутым нет покоя! Защитники котиков, на всю голову! Людьми бы занялись!
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