Ghost Whisperer: Nurse Turned Psychic, But Should She Be Trusted? (6 photos)

18 January 2023

A pretty middle-aged woman does not stand out in any way. background of others. Whereas a mother of many children and a qualified medical the worker claims to have a special gift: she sees ghosts.

Many doctors who happened to work in hospices, homes an elderly person or intensive care, as well as in a morgue, can tell a couple stories about inexplicable phenomena that happened to them at work. After all such places, saturated with pain, suffering and death, have a special energy. And even more prefers to remain silent about oddities or not notice them.

Sally in her youth

Sally noticed unusual abilities in herself - to see blurry transparent figures from a young age. But she wrote off the visions as a teenager impressionability and preferred not to delve into it.

Moreover, in the life of a girl soon after receiving a diploma nurses came love. Sally got married, in the family one by one three children were born. However, family life did not work out, and at the age of 40 the woman divorced her husband, having gone into free swimming.

Sally Cudmore

To feed her children and herself, she resumed her professional activity. A registered nurse was accepted without any problems Lewisham University Hospital. It was then that the strangeness began. Already on the first day of work, Cudmore saw the confused ghost of a young a girl who passed away a couple of hours ago. She went up to Sally and asked, what should she do. But the nurse was speechless with shock. After all, as a physician she could not admit the very possibility of the existence of all this otherworldly world.

The woman worked in the intensive care unit and noticed that feels signs of deterioration in the patient's condition and moments when people help is especially needed.

She also began to see auras. They are different for different people too. But if a red or black color appears in the halo, this means that the days people are numbered. It happened that the patient felt better well-being and strength. But Sally knew it was only a short a moment that was sent to say goodbye to relatives.

The hardest part was watching the children die. The woman noticed that when adults leave life, it happens in loneliness. A to some strange entity comes to the children:

One day I entered the room of my little patient and saw as a dark figure without clear outlines leaned over her. Seems to have She had many arms and legs. It hugged the child, and at that moment the aura around the girls disappeared. Then the figure just floated through the wall... I think that it was death.

This scene became a point of no return for her. She realized that not can continue to work in medicine. In fact, in most cases did not save lives, but only delayed the inevitable.

And Cudmore decided to retrain as psychics. Necessary say, quite successfully, because pretty soon she became famous media personality and built up an extensive clientele. Sally even assisted the police in the search for an elderly woman. An old woman with dementia left home and disappeared. The psychic was able to establish a connection with her and even indicated on the map is the house where the missing person was located.

The woman has her admirers. And there are also a lot of haters, because the world otherworldly is a very controversial phenomenon. And a lot of people use it fraudsters who play on the feelings of gullible and often demoralized or crushed by grief people.

Do you believe in the gift of Cadmore? Or is she also just a talented scammer with only a good knowledge of psychology?

Scam artist
Scam artist
7 January 2024
Sally Cudmore is well known for taking money off people for a reading then just keeping their money and ignoring them. Look at all the negative reviews on Google.
7 January 2024
Є варіант з шизофренією, але шахрайські дії однозначно є основою її діяльності.
Seen the light
Seen the light
30 January 2024
Regardless of whether this person has the gift or not, they are not trustworthy and only seems to be interested in posting celebrity readings but lets everyone else down.
She is on tik tok doing the same thing
She is on tik tok doing the same thing
2 September 2024
Quote: Scam artist
Sally Cudmore is well known for taking money off people for a reading then just keeping their money and ignoring them. Look at all the negative reviews on Google.
9 November 2024
She took mine
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