In the US, a homeless man saved a family from a burning house (11 photos)

12 June 2023

Sometimes salvation comes at an unexpected moment. That's what happened to one family from the USA, whose house suddenly caught fire. Nearby was homeless guy - when he saw the fire, he was not at a loss and saved from the burning home for the whole family and two dogs.

Life can change overnight. We do ordinary things we go to work, come home, go to bed and think that the next day will be the same. But sometimes things don't go quite right. Recently At night, an Arizona resident named Claudia Jimenez woke up and realized that the house is on fire. A single mother was in a house with two small children. children and two dogs. The woman immediately opened the window and started screaming, trying to call someone for help.

The woman's cries were heard by a homeless man who arranged accommodation nearby. A guy named Joe Hollins was not at a loss and immediately ran to the burning house. At that moment, the firemen were still on the way, and the guy decided to act as soon as possible to get the family out of the house. He asked Claudia to throw his daughters and dogs down, caught them and carried them to safe place.

Then came the turn of the woman herself - the guy persuaded her also jump down. It took some time to persuade, but in the end the woman jumped from the window and escaped. The house burned down, but the family is very thank you for my savior. Homeless boy risked his life right next to the fire, but thought of nothing else but salvation all family.

"For me, he was our angel. Thanks to him, we are here, we alive and my daughters are safe," Claudia said in an interview.

The family's home will soon begin to be restored, including with the help of donations. Joe's good deed did not go unnoticed. Of people so touched by his courage and courage that they created a collection for GiveSendGo to help him save up for his own home. According to the guy himself, he is "not a hero at all", and what anyone in his place "would do same for the family."

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