Tarzan on minimum wage: in Lipetsk, police and rescuers caught a naked man running away along the balconies from the fifth floor

Category: Eyewitness, PEGI 16
3 June 2023
On May 31 in Lipetsk, dozens of citizens watched an interesting story with the capture of a naked man. And you don't have to go to the cinema!

The story began with the fact that a naked comrade appeared on the common balcony of high-rise building No. 128 on Pobedy Avenue and started a quarrel with neighbors. He was joined by a lady dressed as Eve. With their screams, they got the residents so angry that they called the police - and the fun began.

The naked Lipchan, apparently deciding that it was time to run away, for some reason began to descend. Dozens of onlookers watched his maneuvers, who noted that the uncle was in a very good shape: he jumps along the balconies like a real parkour player.

Videos taken "from nature" are interrupted, so it is not entirely clear where the fugitive took his underpants - in the second part of the "Marzezon ballet" he, already dressed, descends from the balcony of the fourth floor. Landing on the air conditioner, the man tries to smash the glass with his heel, but slips and falls down onto the roof of the store, where he is met by angry men with sticks. Pretty otmutuziv "hero of the day", they leave him to the firefighters and rescuers who came to the soul of the disease.
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