Spouses from Brazil wanted to meet old age together, but the wife had a seizure that changed her life forever (7 photos)

Category: Terrible, Health, PEGI 18
31 May 2023
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The couple wanted to live happily ever after, have children and enjoy each other, but not all fairy tales have a happy ending.

David and Brunet de Sarize fell in love with each other immediately. They got married, lived happily until one day their life abruptly has changed.

In 2018, the couple was just sitting at home watching TV when the wife had a seizure.

Bruna began to have convulsions, her heart stopped, she stopped breathing. It was a real nightmare.

After a trip to the hospital and examination, the doctors managed to save a woman's life. However, she has completely changed. Within two For years she was in the hospital under constant supervision. nervous the system continues to function, but it does not respond to what is happening. The woman is currently in a vegetative state.

The husband did not leave his wife: he constantly looks after her, is nearby 24/7 - because of which it cannot work. Debts for medical treatment grew, so he had to turn to the internet for help.

Caring people raised funds in support of health spouses. Now they live mostly on donations, David talks about the state of his wife in social networks.

David does not give up hope by contacting the best neurologists, hoping that at least some treatment would help - and his wife will return to normal life.

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